MATH 111A (Fall Quarter 2012).
Mathematical Modelling I

Instructor: David A. Meyer
Office hours (Fall Quarter): AP&M 7256, M 1:30pm-2:30pm, or by appointment
Lecture: Solis 110, MWF 10:00am-10:50am
Email: dmeyer "at" math "dot" ucsd "dot" edu

TA: Hooman Sherkat-Massoom
Office hours (Fall Quarter): AP&M 6442, W 2:00pm-3:00pm, Th 1:00pm-2:00pm, or by appointment
Section: AP&M B412, Tu 10:00am-10:50am
Email: hsherkat "at" math "dot" ucsd "dot" edu

Course description

This course is a focused introduction to mathematical modelling. In 2012 I plan to discuss mathematical models drawn from a wide range of topics, including biology, traffic, sports, music, economics, political science, and art. The relevant mathematical methods include: (systems of) ordinary differential equations, graphs/networks, probability, partial differential equations, eigenvalues/eigenvectors, permutations, and dimension theory.

The goals of this course are: (1) to explain what it means to construct a mathematical model of some real-world phenomenon, (2) to introduce some of the mathematical ideas that are used in many such models, (3) to apply these methods to analyze one or more real problems, and (4) to understand how new mathematical ideas are motivated by such modelling.

The prerequisites are the lower-division math sequence through differential equations (20D) and linear algebra (20F or 31A), or consent of the instructor. Please contact me if you are interested but unsure if your mathematics background will suffice.

The (recommended) textbook is E. A. Bender, An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Mineola, NY: Dover 2000).

I expect interest and enthusiasm from the students in this class. 30% of the grade is class participation, which includes occasional homework assignments, often for class discussion. 70% of the grade is based upon a mathematical modelling project for which each student writes a proposal (15%), writes a preliminary report (10%), gives a final presentation (20%), and writes a final report (25%). Some titles of projects from previous years are listed at the bottom of the page.

Related events

2 Nov 12 Submission deadline for Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships.

Syllabus (homework in green)

28 Sep 12
DM lecture
administrative details
what is a mathematical model?
bee foraging [1]
         the system
HWK (for M 1 Oct 12).
         Read Bender, chap. 1.
         Find something in the news that suggests a system that could be modeled; email me link and be prepared to discuss in class.
1 Oct 12
discussion of news items suggesting mathematical models
         decisions on project funding: "So far unfruitful, fusion project faces a frugal congress"
         size/spread of wildfires: "Why Western wildfires keep getting worse"
         decision on position to play in football: "Colts Pagano begins fight with leukemia"
3 Oct 12
DM lecture
bee foraging [1]
         the data
5 Oct 12
DM lecture
         possible models
8 Oct 12
DM lecture
         simulations [Mathematica notebook]
10 Oct 12
DM lecture
examples of affect in social relations
         friendships among preschool children
         international relations of Middle Eastern countries [2]
structural balance theory [3,4]
         relations as graphs
         signed graph as matrix R with Rij = +/-1 if i likes/dislikes j
HWK (to discuss F 12 Oct 12).
         How could we evaluate/test/improve structural balance models?
         What does (R2)ij represent in the model?
12 Oct 12
DM lecture
structural balance theory for complete graphs
         balanced if all triads are balanced
         if not all triads are balanced, some relationships will change to reduce the number of unbalanced triads
discussion of evaluations/improvements of such models
HWK (to discuss F 19 Oct 12).
         Read Varian's article on how to build a model [5].
         Read Gray's article on how to write an abstract [6].
         Look at some proposals/videos on Kickstarter, e.g., GoldieBlox.
         Draft project proposal:
                 Describe the system for which you propose to construct a mathematical model.
                 What question will the model answer? Why is that important/interesting?
                 What features/variables will the model include?
                 What features/variables may be relevant but will be exogenous to your model?
                 What kind of mathematics will you use?
                 If you intend to use real data, describe them and explain how you will get them.
                 Give an approximate timeline for accomplishing the various pieces of your project.
                 If you will be working with someone else, explain how the work will be allocated and coordinated.
         Should be 2-4 pages. I prefer that you submit an electronic version. And I'd be pleased if that is a pdf file of a TeX [7] document.
         If you want to try making a video à la Kickstarter, I'll be pleased to watch it.
15 Oct 12
DM lecture
naïve check for balance of complete graph checks all triads; is O(N3)
Structure Theorem [4]: A signed complete graph is balanced (i.e., all its triads have an even number of negative edges) iff
its vertices can be partitioned into two disjoint sets Vi such that edges between vertices in Vi are positive and all others are negative.
         implies O(N2) check for balance of graph
Weak Structure Theorem: If triads with all negative edges are balanced, then a balanced graph partitions into 1 to N sets of vertices.
(R2)ij is number of paths ikj with ++ or -- signs, minus number with +- or -+ signs
17 Oct 12
DM lecture
possible discrete time dynamics for signed complete graphs [8]
measure of balance/energy for signed complete graphs = (# unstable triads - # stable triads)/total # triads
energy landscapes [9]
19 Oct 12
DM lecture
jammed states in signed graphs [8,9]
Theorem [9]: E(jammed state) ≤ 0
digression on finite fields
         cardinality is pn, p prime
HWK (for M 22 Oct 12).
         Prepare 1 minute "elevator pitch" on your project to present in class.

31 Oct 12
DM lecture
Halloween! [pumpkins]
Vi Hart video: "Scary Sierpiński Skull Time"
         Pascal's triangle, modulo 2
         Sierpiński gasket
         Cantor sets
10 most popular children's costumes 2005—2012 according to the National Retail Federation
                 definition of permutation group
                 right invariant metrics on permutation groups
HWK (for discussion in class W 7 Nov 12).
         Find some system to model using some features of Cantor sets.

Suggested reading

[1] M. Lihoreau, N. E. Raine, A. M. Reynolds, R. J. Stelzer, K. S. Lim, A. D. Smith, J. L. Osborne and L. Chittka, "Radar tracking and motion-sensitive cameras on flowers reveal the development of pollinator multi-destination routes over large spatial scales", PLoS Biology 10 (2012) 1001392/1—13.
[2] M. G. Weinbaum, "Egypt's 'Infitah' and the politics of US economic assistance", Middle Eastern Studies 21 (1985) 206—222.
[3] F. Heider, "Attitudes and cognitive organization", The Journal of Psychology 21 (1946) 107—112.
[4] D. Cartwright and F. Harary, "Structural balance: a generalization of Heider's theory", The Psychological Review 63 (1956) 277—293.
[5] H. R. Varian, "How to build an economic model in your spare time", The American Economist 41 (1997) 3—10.
[6] N. Gray, "Abstract science", The Huffington Post (2012).
[7] D. E. Knuth, The TeXbook, Computers and Typesetting, Volume A (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley 1984).
[8] T. Antal, P. L. Krapivsky and S. Redner, "Dynamics of social balance on networks", Physical Review E 72 (2005) 036121/1—10.
[9] S. A. Marvel, S. H. Strogatz and J. M. Kleinberg, "Energy landscape of social balance", Physical Review Letters 103 (2009) 198701/1—4.

Titles of projects from previous years

Last modified: 31 October 2012.