MATH 111A (Winter Quarter 2010).
Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

Instructor: David A. Meyer
Office hours (Winter Quarter): AP&M 7256, Tu 11:00am-12:00nn, or by appointment
Lecture: Peterson 103, MWF 11:00am-11:50am
Email: dmeyer "at" math "dot" ucsd "dot" edu

TA: Ben Wilson
Office hours (Winter Quarter): TBA
Section/lab: AP&M B432, Tu 5:00pm-5:50pm
Email: bewilson "at" math "dot" ucsd "dot" edu

Course description

This course is a focused introduction to mathematical modelling. In 2010 I plan to discuss a variety of mathematical models involving scaling laws. The systems being modelled will be drawn from biology, physics, electrical engineering, computer science, economics, and political science. The relevant mathematical methods include: (systems of) ordinary differential equations, graphs/networks, probability, partial differential equations, eigenvalues/eigenvectors, permutations, and dimension theory.

The goals of this course are: (1) to explain what it means to construct a mathematical model of some real-world phenomenon, (2) to introduce some of the mathematical ideas that are used in many such models, (3) to apply these methods to analyze one or more real problems, and (4) to understand how new mathematical ideas are motivated by such modelling.

The prerequisites are the lower-division math sequence through differential equations (20D) or linear algebra (20F or 31A), or consent of the instructor. Please contact me if you are interested but unsure if your mathematics background will suffice.

The (recommended) textbook is E. A. Bender, An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Mineola, NY: Dover 2000).

I expect interest and enthusiasm from the students in this class. 30% of the grade is class participation, which includes occasional homework assignments, often for class discussion. 70% of the grade is based upon a mathematical modelling project for which each student writes a proposal (15%), writes a preliminary report (10%), gives a final presentation (20%), and writes a final report (25%). Some titles of projects from previous years are listed at the bottom of the page.

Related events

15 Feb 10 deadline for applications to the UCLA Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) 2010
31 Jan 10 deadline for applications to the Park City Math Institute Undergraduate Summer School Program

Syllabus (homework in green)

4 jan 10
DM lecture
administrative details
what is a mathematical model?
example of ODE for population growth
HWK (for W 6 jan 10).
         read Bender, chap. 1
         find something in the news that suggests a system that could be modeled and be prepared to discuss in class
HWK (due M 11 jan 10).
         collect some population data and see if it can be modeled by the ODE we discussed in class; if not, try to improve the model

6 jan 10
discussion of systems (suggested by news) that could be modeled mathematically
         newest versus previous air security measures
         spread of bomb making information
         conditions that could lead to nuclear holocaust in multipolar world
         job satisfaction
         weight loss
         relationship between education and poverty
         action of resveratrol
         Tasmanian devil facial tumor epidemic
         impact of jobs program for vets
         economic effect of change in pizza recipe
8 jan 10
DM lecture
drawbacks of the ODE model for population growth
discrete model for population growth
         introducing elementary probability into the model
         advantages and disadvantages
         simulations [Mathematica notebook]
                 direct simulation
                 expectation values and relation to ODE model
                 speeding up the simulation using the binomial distribution
11 jan 10
DM lecture
describing results of stochastic growth model
         multiple runs, expectation value and variance
         histogram of outcomes as approximation to probability distribution
Extra Credit.
         Calculate the probability distribution for P(100).

13 jan 10
DM lecture
scaling laws
         length, area, volume
         height and weight
         rowing example from Bender, §2.1
HWK (for F jan 15).
         read Bender, chap. 2
15 jan 10
DM lecture
neural adaptation
         Troxler's effect, fixational eye movements (figures from [1])
         feedback model for adaptation [2]
                 r(t) = s(t) - I(t)
                 where I(t) = ∫ tμ(u)r(u)du
                 perfect adaptation μ(u) = 1/τa
HWK (due F jan 22).
         Draft project proposal:
                 Describe the system for which you propose to construct a mathematical model.
                 What question will the model answer? Why is that important/interesting?
                 What features/variables will the model include?
                 What features/variables may be relevant but will be exogenous to your model?
                 What kind of mathematics will you use?
                 If you intend to use real data, describe them and explain how you will get them.
                 Give an approximate timeline for accomplishing the various pieces of your project.
                 If you will be working with someone else, explain how the work will be allocated and coordinated.

Suggested reading

[1] S. Martinez-Conde, S. L. Macknik and D. H. Hubel, "The role of fixational eye movements in visual perception", Nature Reviews | Neuroscience 5 (2004) 229—240.
[2] P. J. Drew and L. F. Abbott, "Models and properties of power-law adaptation in neural systems", Journal of Neurophysiology 96 (2006) 826—833.

Titles of projects from previous years

Last modified: 22 jan 10.