Health Problems

General Observations           Specific Situations          Environmental & Pesticide Hazards

General Observations

  • ADRENAL WEAKNESS  Often not diagnosed, this can be associated with a variety of problems.  Here is a fairly simple test from Alt. 7/05 p.3.  Get an assistant to take blood pressure.
    • Take blood pressure lying down.
    • Sit up quickly and retake blood pressure while sitting.
    • Stand up and retake blood pressure while standing.
      There should be a rise of 4 to 10 points between lying and standing.  A drop in blood pressure may be an indication of hypoadrenia.
  • DRUG STUDIES   are often biased: Industry backed research is 3 times more likely to have proindustry conclusions.  Companies often participate in study design and may suppress unfavorable results. (Discover 1/04 p.71. Based on JAMA article and conversations.)
  • EMOTIONS   play a key role:  
    • Emotional stability promotes physical health and longevity (SN 6/7/97 p.352).  Preliminary evidence indicates that high doses of omega-3 fatty acids can help stabilize moods and relieve depression (SN 6/5/99, WBJ 5/00 p.30).  Folate and B6 may also help.
    • Severe grief (disbelief, yearning for deceased, guilt over death, etc.) increases health risk and depresses immune function (SN 5/17/97 p.301).
    • Hostility (measured by cynical world view and aggression under stress) is correlated with early atherosclerosis, which leads to heart attacks and high blood pressure (SN 4/17/99 p.255).
  • EXERCISE  plays a key role in helping to prevent various diseases including heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, colon cancer, and osteoporosis; and about 4 hours/week brisk walking (or equivalent) may suffice (NAH 1/99 p.3).  Strangely walking downhill (but not up) reduces triglycerides whereas walking uphill (but not down) improve glucose processing (Alt. 2/05 p.155)
    Tai Chi improves balance (thus reducing risk of falls) and mobility/flexibility (good for arthritis).
  • HIGH FAT MEALS  (e.g., fast food) not only often provide bad fats, they also inhibit normal blood vessel dilation for about 2 hours.  (May be due to free radicals.)  To counteract the dilation problem, take vitamins C & E (antioxidants) with meal (SN 11/29/97 p.341).  [Amounts used were 1,000mg C and 800IU E.]  Tea also appears to aid dilation (SN 1/2/00 p.366).  See also cholesterol below.
  • IMMUNE SYSTEM  Anything that boosts the immune systems is good.  Here are some ways:
  • INFLAMMATION  is apparently a causitive factor of many older adult diseases including Alzheimer's, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis and sudden artery blockage. 
    • Antioxidants are important in reducing inflammation.
    • Cytokines (proteins that promote inflammation) and chronic infections (e.g., cold sores) may be important.  Low body fat, exercise and proper diet lead to lower cytokine levels. 
    • Mediterranean diet (high in olive oil, fresh fruit, vegetables; low in red meat) supresses (some) inflammatory proteins. There have been a variety of studies in connection with heart disease. (SN 11/22/03 p.304 is one)  The omega-3/omega-6 ratio may be important: need enough omega-3 (Alt. 7/05 p.6).
  • INTESTINAL FLORA  refers to the bacteria in the intestinal tract.  A good mix facilitates health.  Sources are yogurt and fermented vegetables (e.g. sauerkraut) --- provided the bacteria have not been killed by heating.  These "probiotics" are also available as supplements.  Since antibiotics kill bacteria, it is important to replace probiotics after being on antibiotics.  Some are contained in live culture yogurt.  Yogurt bacteria and other probiotics are available as supplements.  Surviving the acidity of the stomach can be a problem; however, some "beadlet" forms (like an enteric coating) are available from Japan (as of 2003).
  • NSAIDs   (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; e.g., ibuprofen) have side effects.  Try replacing regular use by cooking with lots of turmeric.  The yellow coloring (curcumin) is an anti-inflammatory (SN 12/8/01 p.362). 
  • PESTICIDES   may cause various problems.
  • WOUNDS & BURNS   Raw honey applied topically is antiseptic and promotes healing.

Specific Situations

  B  C   D   G   H   I   K   M   N  O  P  S  T  U  V

  • AGING  See memory, muscle loss, obesity, and osteoporosis.  Oxidation underlies many degenerative changes (SN 8/10/96 p.95), so keeping up antioxidant levels is important.  Inflammation is related to oxidation.  An excess of acid-producing foods can result in muscle loss.  Aging decreases effectiveness of antioxidants, so elderly should have supplements.  Exercise helps prevent a variety of age-associated conditions.
  • ALZHEIMER'S   Inflammation may play a role, but don't use current (2001) NSAIDs --- side effects of long-term use make risks outweigh benefits.  Instead try using lots of turmeric in cooking (SN 12/8/01 p.362; Alt. 12/02 p.141).  B12 levels tend to be low, so B12 deficiency could be a causative factor.  Various other B vitamins may help (SN 3/2/02, p.141; SN 8/28/04. p.142).  The latter SN article cites a niacin (RDA 35-45mg) study of over 65 people: those consuming about 14mg/day experienced more mental decline and were 3 times as likely to develop Alzheimer's as those consuming 17+mg/day (cited J. Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psych. 8/04).  Moderate drinking (1-3 drinks/day) appears to reduce risk of dementia in older people (SN 2/2/02 p.67).  In a small study, alpha-lipoic acid stabilized the disease (Alt. 3/02 p.72).  A mouse study indicates that the omega-3 oil DHA may help (SN 9/4/04 p.166).  Exercise (even just walking) helps keep the mind sharp (J. Amer. Med. Assn. 9/22/04).
  • AMD  Age-related macular degeneration.
  • ARTHRITIS  Green tea contains polyphenols (antioxidants) that inhibit the cause of inflammation and are more powerful and longer lasting than aspirin (SN 4/17/99 p.247).  Glucosamine sulfate (1,500 mg per day) stopped degeneration (NAH 5/01 p.9) and improved symptoms.  It was reported that glucosamine + chondroitin led to healing (Lancet, 2002).  Inadequate vitamin D contributes to degeneration (Alt. 4/02).  Ginger is also beneficial.  Tai Chi improves balance (thus reducing risk of falls) and mobility/flexibility.  Experiments on rats indicate yogurt may help.
  • ASTHMA  (adult onset) Estrogen replacement increases risk 50% (SN 10/28/95 p.279).
  • ATHEROSCLEROSIS  See cardiovascular and cholesterolInflammation may cause rupture of plaque and lead to a heart attack.  A small study showed that 8 oz. of pure pomegranate juice daily greatly reduced carotid artery thickness .  It also reduced systolic pressure and oxidized cholesterol (Alt 5/05 p.183).
  • BLOOD CLOTS   Among the contributing factors: aging, lack of exercise, low antioxidant levels, bad fats, toxins, pathogens.  Fibrous blood clots can be dissolved and prevented by taking the enzyme nattokinase or eating its source, natto (soy cheese--this is NOT tofu) (Alt. 11/02).
  • BRUISES & SWELLING   clear up quicker with large doses of digestive enzymes.  With scheduled injuries (e.g., dentistry, surgery) start a day or two before.  Safe for children.  Adult dosage: 3-4 tablets 3-4 times/day between meals.
  • CANCERS  Click on cancers for more specific information.  Antioxidants and phytochemicals are important.
  • CARDIOVASCULAR   A very large study ending in 2002 provides overwhelming evidence that deep inflammation is the single most important cause.  Poor oral hygiene increases risk (perhaps due to association with inflammation?).  To reduce risk of recurrence, reduce LDL levels below "normal" (SN 10/5/96 p.215). A study of atherosclerotic patients drinking 50ml (about 1.5oz) pomegranate juice daily showed a 20% drop in systolic pressure and a reduction in artery wall thickness (hardening) (SN 1/8/05 p.28).  A study found that, for every daily serving of spinach or other leafy greens, the risk of cardiovascular disease fell 11% (SN 1/8/05 p.27).
    See also cholesterol and heart disease.
    GoodNuts, garlic (but maybe only in large amounts), red wine and tea are beneficial
    Fats:  Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are good.  The mono/saturated fat ratio appears more important than total fat (SN 11/21/98 p.328).  There is evidence that high-mono-fat diets are better than standard low-fat diets.  Avoid bad fats and oils.  See also discussion on high fat meals.
  • CARIES  See tooth decay.
    Good: Vitamin E (Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 69 (1999) p.272), Vitamin C, glutathione, and other antioxidants retard formation (SN 10/18/97 p.244).  Some of these may be effective because they increase glutathione levels (Altern. Med. Rev. 4/01 p.141).  Some evidence is ambiguous, but is strong for the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin (NAH 7/00).  In a U. Wisc. study, taking multivitamins for more than 10 years reduced risk 60% (USA Weekend 11/21/03).
    BadCorticosteriods (inhalants for asthmatics) increases cataract risk (SN 7/26/97 p.60).  Smoking, UVB rays, and weight around middle are linked with higher risk (WSH, 3/01).  Daily use of aspirin (heart attack “preventative”) for a period of ten years for those under 65 increased cataract risk by over 40% (Ophthalmology 105 (1998) p.1751).
    Reversal: of cataracts observed in small trials using 2-3 eyedrops of well shaken mixture (below) 3x day.  (May be slight temporary burning from DMSO.)  Takes 1-6 months (Alt 1/02 p.55).  Do not use if you have an eye infection.
                1/2 oz. 99.99% DMSO
                1/2 oz. distilled water
                2-3 pinches finely ground glutathione powder
  • CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Deficiency Syndrome)  CoQ10 synthesis may be low in which case 100mg/day of CoQ10 may help (BN 6/99 p.14).
  • CHOLESTEROL   (bad cholesterol is an LDL = low density lipoprotein, good is an HDL)  The HDL/LDL ratio appears to be more important in preventing atherosclerosis (SN 9/9/89 p.171) than the LDL level.  Cholesterol may be benign unless oxidized, so antioxidants would help.  Also, antioxidants fight inflamation, which can cause clogged arteries.  Cinnamon may help.  A study of atherosclerotic patients taking pomegranate juice (50ml/day, about 1.5oz) reduced oxidation of LDL significantly (SN 1/8/05 p.28).  Another study used 8 oz (Alt. 5/05 p.183
    Good: Monounsaturated oils improve the ratio.  Some flavonoids in oranges raised the good cholesterol level (but did not lower bad cholesterol) --- 1cup/day gave 5% HDL increase, 2 gave 7% and 3 gave 21% (SN 11/18/00 p.327).  Moderate drinking raises HDL levels (SN 2/28/98 p.142).    Nuts as part of a healthy diet plan are as effective as statins (Circulation 2002; 106(11) 1327 cited in Alt. 12/02 p.138).
    See also cardiovascular and  heart disease.
    Bad: Found in animal fats and made from bad fats and oils.  (Trans fats are especially bad.)  Diterpenes, found in some coffee brews, raise cholesterol levels; however, tea helps prevent plaque formation.
    Statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) also lower CoQ10 levels significantly and have other bad "side" effects.  Nuts may be a good substitute for statins.
    Age: Cholesterol levels may be less important in later years (SN 10/25/97 p.260):
              after 50, level not correlated with mortality;
              after 80, level correlated positively with reduced (not increased!) mortality.
  • CONCENTRATION PROBLEMS  May be due to iron deficiency (SN 11/2/96 p.282).
  • CONSTIPATION  Of course, this may be due to lack of  fiber in the diet.  People often use over-the-counter cures which tend to be habit forming or may not work.  Try B5: for rapid results, 2,000-3,000 mg on an empty stomach;  for more gradual results,  a smaller amount on a regular basis.
  • CROHN'S DISEASE  See inflammatory bowel disease.
  • DEMENTIA  See Alzheimer's above.
  • DEPRESSION  See emotions above.
  • DIABETES  There may be large quantities of free radicals, so beta-carotene and other antioxidants may help.  High levels of vitamins A and E may help (SN 6/29/96 p.410), but see precautions under vitamins. 1200 IU of vitamin E [no mention of lower levels] daily lowered inflammation in both healthy people and those with adult-onset diabetes (SN 11/11/00 p.311 per Lancet 357 (2001) p.251).  Magnesium and zinc may also be important (DL Jan.2001 p.43).  Chromium picolinate (1,000 mcg/day) may correct Type II diabetes (Diabetes, 1997).  Inadequate vitamin D increases insulin resistance.  Alcohol helped women, with 2 drinks/day best (SN 3/8/03 p.155).  Cinnamon is helpful.  Green tea was helpful but black tea was not, probably due to a difference in antioxidants (SN 5/1/04 p.283).  Chlorogenic acids in coffee are also good (ibid.).  Since caffeine is bad (, low caffeine coffee (decaf) and teas (green, white) may be best.
    Moderate exercise may help with insulin resistance (SN 12/13/97 p.380). In another study (Alt. 2/05 p.155), walking downhill (but not up) improved glucose processing.
    Bad:   Trans fats increase risk of adult-onset diabetes (SN 11/10/01 p.301).
              Caffeine impairs control of blood sugar (SNol 20040807 citing Diabetes Care 8/04, p.2047 et al.).
              Vitamin C (at least 300mg) correlated with double the risk of stroke and coronary disease in a study of post-menopausal women (SN 1/1/05 p.12).
    Diet:  Low fiber plus high carbohydrate (e.g., white flour, white rice, potatoes, sugar) increases risk (SN 3/15/97 p.161; Amer. J. Publ. Health 9/00).  Animal protein is better than plant protein since the latter raised sugar and insulin levels more (Amer. J. Clinical Nutr. 1997).  A diet in which half the carbohydrates had low glycemic index led to improvement in just one month.  The books Syndrome X: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Insulin Resistance by Jack Challem, et al. and Natural Supplements for Diabetes by Frank Murray were recommended, but I am not familiar with them. 
  • DIVERTICULITIS   Diets high in fiber and vegetables prevent this common disease.  Unless inflammation is present, ignore "expert" opinion on limiting diet --- it is based on speculation, not fact.  However, remember to chew nuts well.  It is believed that diverticulitis is caused by repeatedly exerting excess pressure to evacuate, a situation caused by chronic constipation. (6/02, J. Brody, NY Times health columnist)
  • GALL BLADDER ATTACKS  Do as much as possible to avoid removal since it is important for absorbtion of fats (including essential oils) and fat soluble nutrients.  If it has been removed, take bile salts.  Almost all attacks (except gallstones?) are caused by food allergies (especially eggs, pork, onions, fowl, milk, coffee, oranges) or medications (Dr. J.V. Wright's Nutrition & Healing 10/04).
    GALL STONES: Vitamin E may help prevent.  Vitamin C helps prevent, perhaps by facilitating conversion of cholesterol to bile. (Archives of Internal Medicine, 2000, v.160).  High fat meals and lack of exercise may help cause them.  There is an alternative medicine procedure, described in many places, for a gall bladder flush.
  • GLAUCOMA  Antioxidants are typically low, so raising levels may act as preventative and treatment (Altern. Med. Rev. 4/01 p.141).
  • GOUT  is caused by uric acid crystals.  Purine metabolizes to uric acid, so doctors used to recommend avoiding foods high in purine.  A study (New Eng. J. Med. 3/11/04 summarized in SN 3/13/04 p.165) shows it is not that simple: Among the purine-rich foods, warm-blooded meats were worst, vegetables (e.g, lentils, peas, asparagus, etc.) had little effect and fish and shellfish were in between;  skim and low-fat dairy reduced risk significantly but high-fat dairy had little effect; among alcoholic beverages, beer was the worst.  Other studies have shown that lots of liquid (esp. water) and an alkaline internal environment reduce risk and shorten attacks  Fructose increases the production of uric acid and should be avoided (Lancet 67 p.528).  Unfortunately high-fructose corn syrup is a common sweetener.
  • HEART DISEASE  There may be deficiencies: Swedish study showed 20% (men) to 35% (women) decrease when people took multivitamin-mineral supplement (USA Weekend 11/21/03 p.6).  More specifically:
    • B vitamins and C are important (SN 2/28/98 p.142, 2/14/98), but another study showed statin drugs better than antioxidants (SN 12/1/01 p.351).  Statins have bad side effects and there are possible alternatives.
    • Vitamin E seems useless and beta-carotene (vitamin A source) may be harmful (Lancet 6/03).
    • Flavonoids help those with coronary disease (SN 9/7/96 p.150).
    • Choline plays a role in prevention (SN 11/3/01 p.282).

Go for good-fat diet, not low-fat diet (SN 3/20/99 p.181).  Nuts are helpful.
See also cardiovascular disease.
Risk factors include smoking, obesity, high LDL levels, high homocysteine levels (SN 10/21/95 p.264).  Big meals can trigger a heart attack--risk increases 10-fold in first hour, is gone by third (SN 1/2/00 p.366).

  • HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE   See hypertension below.
  • HIGH FAT MEALS   Discussed above.
  • HYPERTENSION  Weight loss and reduced salt intake reduce risk (SN 11/25/95 p.358).  Magnesium may help.  Water only fasts (and perhaps others) can lead to rapid normalization of blood pressure, even if it is only moderately high.  Proper diet afterwards can maintain it (HS July/Aug. 2000; Winter 2001 p.21). [The study was done by people favoring a vegan diet, so the diet used was vegan.]  Small studies indicate Co-Q10 may help (120 mg/day).  Large doses of vitamin D may be better ACE inhibitors, but amounts needed are such that one should have medical monitoring to avoid calcium loss (Nutrition & Healing 1/04,  See also heart disease.
  • IMMUNE SYSTEM   Discussed above.
  • INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE  May be triggered by lack of the antioxidant glutathione (SN 4/21/01 p.248).  Types of fats eaten appear important: Rats with an omega-6:omega-3 ratio of 2:1 did better than those with more omega-6 (12:1 ratio) (SN 1/26/02 p.53).  B12 deficiency is common in these patients due to reduced absorption.
  • IRREGULAR or FAST HEARTBEAT   Eliminating caffiene and alcohol may help.  There may be a magnesium deficiency (Alt. 8/02 p.112).
  • IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS)   Three causes are (1) excessive fructose ingestion (high-fructose corn syrup is the culprit), (2) disruption of intestinal flora (due to strong antibiotics), (3) food intolerance and (4) poor digestion.  To eliminate (1), read ingredients.  To deal with (2), consume probiotics found in fermented “live” foods (no heating after fermenting).  The most common are yogurt and sauerkraut, but the former is sometimes heated and the latter usually is.  Poor digestion may be due to low hydrochloric acid production or bile/gall bladder problems (such as removal). (Alt. 10/05 p.25)
  • KIDNEY STONES  Lower risk: tea & coffee 8%;  moderate wine 20%  (SN 5/16/98 p.317).
                                Higher risk: 8oz grapefruit juice/day 44%  (SN 5/16/98 p.317).
  • MACULAR DEGENERATION  Carotenoids may act as preventative, especially lutein and zeaxanthin (NAH 7/00).  Glutathione may help prevent.  In mice, high-fat diet caused problems and vitamin E helped prevent them (SN 10/2/99 p.215).  Smokers at twice the risk (WSH 3/01).  Fish at least weekly versus seldom cut risk in half---omega-3 fatty acids may be cause (Arch. Opthamology, 3/00).  There is strong evidence that these preventatives can often help cure AMD.  The following daily regimen reduced risk by 25% in high risk people but not in low risk (Arch. Ophthalmology, 119 no.10 (2001)):
    500 mg C  +  400 IU E  +  15 mg beta-carotene  +  80 mg zinc (as ZnO)  +  2 mg copper oxide
  • MANIC DEPRESSION  Preliminary evidence shows high doses of omega-3 fatty acids help (SN 6/5/99, WBJ 5/00 p.30).
  • MEMORY  Vitamin E use (400 IU) is correlated with better short-term memory in older people  (World Alzheimer's Conference 7/11/00).  Choline is probably important, especially prenatally through toddlerhood.
  • MIGRANE   Magnesium may help (Alt. 11/95 p.39).  Avoiding closed jaw at night may help and can be done by using athletic mouthpiece that covers all top teeth (Alt. suppl. 5/98).
  • MUSCLE LOSS  With age, people tend to lose muscle, which can lead to falls and other problems.  Resistance training is a big help (SN 8/10/96 p.90).
  • MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS  In a 15+ year study of nearly 200,000 women, vitamin D appears to offer some prevention (1/13/04 Neurology cited in SN 1/31/04, p.77).  Vitamin B12 also helped (in mice).
  • NEUROPATHY  See peripheral neuropathy.
  • OBESITY  With age, body tends to use fat less.  Solution: eat smaller meals and exercise to retain fat-burning muscle (SN 11/1/97 p.283).  There are other safe methods besides exercise for increasing metabolism
    • CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) is found in beef, lamb, turkey and dairy products; however animals which are not range-fed have less than half the CLA of animals that are.  Supplements are available.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Green tea appears to work.
    • The thyroid may be underactive, perhaps due to iodine deficiency.
  • OSTEOPOROSIS  This is usually caused by excessive excretion of calcium rather than by insufficient calcium in the diet.  (See calcium for more info.)  Isoflavones (in soy protein) may help bone-mineral density.
    There are two alleles of a gene (VDR) associated with a vitamin D receptor.  People with one allele benefit from calcium and weight bearing exercise (not just one alone). Those with the other allele have strong bones regardless (SN 7/8/95 p.23).  Avoid animal protein: In an 8 year study of 1,000 older women, those who got most of their protein from animal sources had 3 times the bone loss of those who consumed little animal protein (Amer. J. Clinical Nutr. 73 (2001) 118-122).  Higher levels of the hormone cortisol increase risk, and concern about diet can raise cortisol levels (SN 2/20/01, p.47).  There are indications that about 400IU of vitamin E may prevent it after menopause (SN 6/3/01, p.410).  Too many acid-producing foods can result in calcium loss as can too much sodium (typical in prepared foods).  Strontium deficiency can also be a cause.
  • PARKINSON'S DISEASE  Coenzyme Q10 may help prevent it.  Neurotoxin exposure increases risk.  Avoidance of excitotoxins may reverse early stages.  L-dopa is found naturally is some legumes which appear to contain other useful compounds and seem less likely to lead to overdosing; e.g., fava beans (<0.5%) and mucuna beans (3%-10%).  Preparations from the latter are becoming available. (Alt. 10/03 p.31)
  • PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY  Alpha-lipoic acid (600 mg twice a day) improves symptoms (NAH 5/01 p.11 per Diabetic Med. 16 (1999) p.1040).  B12 treatments may help (follow link).
  • PLAQUE  See cholesterol.
  • PROSTATE (non-malignant enlargement)  Saw palmetto shrinks tissue and improves urine flow.
  • SAD  (seasonal affective disorder) Can be treated about 60% of cases with at least 1/2 hour of bright overhead lights in the morning, which may adjust melatonin production (SN 10/17/98 p.248).
  • SINUSITIS  and upper repriratory infections may be reduced by humming regularly (Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2002; 166(2) p.131 cited in Alt. 12/02 p.142).
  • STROKE  Good oral health can cut rist in half.  B vitamins (SN 2/28/98 p.142), C (SN 2/14/98), and mono-fats are important.  Each serving of fruit and vegetables (on a daily basis) reduces risk about 4% and the most important seem to be crucifers, green leaves, and vitamin C-rich foods (SN 10/30/99 p.287).  See also cardiovascular.
    After a stroke:  1 gram or more of glycine (an amino acid) taken orally for at least several days after the stroke reduced mortality rate by nearly 60%, but lesser amounts were ineffective (Alt. 1/00).  After a stroke, test for vitamin D (many stroke patients are very low) and supplement with D and calcium if needed (SN 2/19/05 p.126).
    See also hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
  • THROMBOSIS  See blood clots.
  • THYROID  Excess soy protein may stimulate (HNB 1/99 p.22).  Onion family stimulates (Benesh).  It may be underactive due to iodine deficiency.  Here is a simple test that can indicate an underactive thyroid (Alt. special report):
    • Place an oral thermometer shaken down to at least 96 F (35 C) degrees by your bed.
    • When you wake up, stay in bed and put the thermometer in your armpit for 10 minutes.
    • A temperature below 97.2 F (36.2 C) is a sign of underactive thyroid.
  • TINNITUS  and hearing loss have been linked to low levels of folic acid, B12 and zinc and possibly to low levels of vitamin D.  In one study, 46% taking 50mg zinc per day had tinnitus improvement in 2 months (no placebo info) (Nutrition & Healing 1/04 p.7,
  • TOOTH DECAY  Wasabi and other sources of isothiocyanates may help fight Streptococcus mutans (SN 1/13/01).  Xylitol (a natural sugar substitute used in some products including a XyliChew) remineralizes teeth and reduces cavities and plaque (Alt. 9/03, p.18).
  • ULCERS   Okra appears to interfere with Helicobacter pylori, the cause of stomach ulcers, adhesion to stomach walls (J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004; 52(6):1495 as cited in Alt. 7/04 p.100).
  • ULCERATIVE COLITIS   See inflammatory bowel disease.
  • URINARY TRACT INFECTION   Blueberries and cranberries help prevent it probably by making it harder for E. coli to adhere to walls.
  • VARICOSE VEINS   Flavonoids helpful (BN 6/99 p.50)