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having trouble with Paths on the PC?
PCSetup to see how to run with notebooks. This is a bit long winded (since it is intended for in house elaborate setups). So we might as well tell you the point is: just go into the directory
Look at the file goNCAlgebra.nb. It has Get[ ] commands with paths to all the juicy software we distribute. Copy them or run the 1st part of goNCAlgebra.nb to load the software for your session.

Is NCProcess incredibly slow?
Turn off the SBBCat Option, that is, type SBByCat -> False. We very very seldom use SBByCat. There has been no effort made towards efficiency with this command. Indeed it might have a memory leak. Thus your call to NCProcess would have the form
NCProcess[ usual stuff, SBByCat ->False]
Remember also to get a full partial GB you need to turn of RemoveRedundant, via the option RR->False:
NCProcess[ usual stuff, SBByCat ->False, RR-> False]