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Orbits of U(n,n) acting on Mn: Step 1

The first step is always to create an input file. In this case it is called OrbitStep1.m. In this file the variables are set noncommutative, the ordering is declared, and the ``starting relations'' are assembled. These starting relations include the fact that a linear fractional transformation F(x) exists, and we set y = F(x). We also assume that the two J equations hold. We have also set all of the variables to be invertible. The monomial ordering that we have used is the following.

Once this is done, NCProcess can be run. The result is a spreadsheet.

The first spreadsheet reveals a couple of substitutions which might be helpful. The entire spreadsheet is available, but here are some the equations which motivate the next substitution.

The expressions with unknown variables
and knowns

There is nothing special about this category except for the appearance of the factor .
If we substitute a new variable for this term, then the equation above will be simplified somewhat, and perhaps several others will also. With a little foresight we will choose the variable Tp[f]. The next two equations have another collected term.
The expressions with unknown variables
and knowns

The factor appears in both of these categories. In the above category, the transpose of this term also appears, while in the category below, the term appears with an extra d multiplied on the right. In the second step, this factor will be called Tp[F].
The expressions with unknown variables
and knowns

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