Southern California Algebra and Optimization Day

Organizer: Jiawang Nie

Pasadena, Thursday, March 6 2008

The first Southern California Algebra and Optimization Day will be held in Caltech, Pasadena, Thursday, March 6, 2008. This is a one-day workshop on real algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization. There will be several lectures on the day. The speakers will present the latest advances in real algebraic geometry and polynomial optimization as well as the applications in engineering.

Participants (partial list):

  • John Doyle (Caltech)
  • Bill Helton (UCSD)
  • Igor Klep (UCSD)
  • Jiawang Nie (UCSD & Caltech)
  • Mihai Putinar (UCSB)
  • Ben Recht (Caltech)
  • ......
  • Here is the schedule of the talks. The lectures will be held in Avery Conference Room in Avery House (Building 99) from 10am to 5pm. A map of Caltech campus can be found here.

    This one-day workshop is open to all who have interests in this area. People who would like to atend please contact the organizer before Feburary 27, 2008.


    It is convenient to drive or take a train to pasadena from southern california area. Here is a guide of transportation to Pasadena. If you need help in parking, please contact the organizer. The parking information at Caltech campus is here.

    Local Accommodations

    There are a lot of hotels and inns near caltech campus and surrounding areas. Here is a partial list of hotels and inns. There are special rates for Caltech visitors.

    Contact Information

      Local orgainzer:
        Jiawang Nie (
      Mailing address:
        1200 E. California Blvd.
        Mail Code: 136-93
        Pasadena, CA 91125
      Phone number: (626)395-2245