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Mark Kac [32, 33, 13], introduced a method for calculating the distribution of the integral


for a function v defined on the state space E of a Markov process tex2html_wrap_inline2840 , and a time T that may be fixed or random. In [32] and [33] Kac considered the case when X is a Brownian motion (BM), but his method leading to the Feynman-Kac formula in that setting has since been developed and applied much more generally. See [62, 11, 14, 34, 64] for textbook treatments of the F-K formula for BM, Section III.19 of [57] for a modern treatment of the F-K formula for a Feller-Dynkin process, and Section 5 of [37] for a survey with further references. In this paper we review an aspect of Kac's method not mentioned in these treatments. This is his formula for moments of tex2html_wrap_inline2808 for suitable T, first derived in [33] for BM on the line, then generalized in [13] to a Markov process with abstract state space. The reader is not assumed to be acquainted with the modern theory of Markov processes beyond what can be found, for example, in Chapter III of [57].

To state the basic form of Kac's formula in some generality, let tex2html_wrap_inline2850 be the family of probability measures governing a Markov process tex2html_wrap_inline2852 set up on a suitable probability space tex2html_wrap_inline2854 ; tex2html_wrap_inline2856 is the law of X under the initial condition tex2html_wrap_inline2860 . We assume that there is a tex2html_wrap_inline2862 -algebra tex2html_wrap_inline2864 on E such that (i) tex2html_wrap_inline2868 is tex2html_wrap_inline2864 -measurable for each tex2html_wrap_inline2872 , and (ii) tex2html_wrap_inline2874 is a tex2html_wrap_inline2876 -measurable mapping of tex2html_wrap_inline2878 into E, where tex2html_wrap_inline2882 is the Borel tex2html_wrap_inline2862 -algebra on tex2html_wrap_inline2886 . It is convenient to assume that tex2html_wrap_inline2854 accommodates a random variable tex2html_wrap_inline2890 ( tex2html_wrap_inline2892 ) which (under tex2html_wrap_inline2856 for all tex2html_wrap_inline2896 ) is independent of X, and has the exponential distribution with parameter tex2html_wrap_inline2900 . Other random times T involving extra randomization may also be assumed to be defined on the same basic setup.

Call T a Markov killing time of X if under each tex2html_wrap_inline2856 the killed process tex2html_wrap_inline2814 is Markovian with (sub-Markovian) semigroup tex2html_wrap_inline2912 :


In addition we assume that tex2html_wrap_inline2914 is tex2html_wrap_inline2864 -measurable for all t>0 and all positive tex2html_wrap_inline2864 -measurable f. In formula (2) (and elsewhere in the paper), 1(B) is the indicator of the event B and tex2html_wrap_inline2856 serves double duty as the expectation operator for the probability measure tex2html_wrap_inline2856 . Define the Green's operator or potential kernel G associated with T by


for non-negative tex2html_wrap_inline2864 -measurable f. For example, tex2html_wrap_inline2890 is a Markov killing time with tex2html_wrap_inline2942 , where tex2html_wrap_inline2944 is the semigroup of X, in which case tex2html_wrap_inline2948 is the resolvent or tex2html_wrap_inline2900 -potential operator associated with tex2html_wrap_inline2952 . Other Markov killing times are tex2html_wrap_inline2954 , and T the first entrance or last exit time of a suitable subset B of the state space of X. A finite fixed time T is typically not a Markov killing time unless X is set up as a space-time process, so T becomes a hitting time. Other Markov killing times can be constructed (i) by killing the process at state-dependent rate tex2html_wrap_inline2968 for some killing rate function k defined on E, (ii) by killing according to a multiplicative functional, and (iii) by combinations of these kinds of operations. See [8]. As shown by the example of last exit times, a Markov killing time of X is not necessarily a stopping time. See [47, 60] for further examples in this vein.

Kac's moment formula [33, 13] Let T be a Markov killing time for X, let tex2html_wrap_inline2820 be an arbitrary initial distribution on E, and let v be a non-negative measurable function on E. Then the tex2html_wrap_inline2988 moment of tex2html_wrap_inline2800 under tex2html_wrap_inline2992 is given by


where tex2html_wrap_inline2994 , G is the potential kernel for the killed process as in (3), and tex2html_wrap_inline2834 stands for the function that is identically 1.

In terms of operators, tex2html_wrap_inline3000 where tex2html_wrap_inline2830 is the operator of multiplication by v. For n=1, formula (4) just restates the definition (3) of the Green's operator G. For n=2 the formula reads


Note the special case tex2html_wrap_inline3012 in (4): tex2html_wrap_inline3014 , tex2html_wrap_inline3016 , so (4) becomes


The first appearance of formula (4) seems to be (3.5) in Kac [33]. There tex2html_wrap_inline3018 is a space-time BM derived from a one-dimensional BM B, and T is a fixed time. Darling-Kac [13] (page 445, line 4) give the Laplace transformed version of the same formula for B a two-dimensional BM, which amounts to the present formula (4) for X = B and tex2html_wrap_inline3030 . The formula (4) for general X and v, and tex2html_wrap_inline3030 , is implicit in the discussion on page 446 of [13], and is used there for an asymptotic calculation of moments which identifies the limit distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline3038 as tex2html_wrap_inline3040 for a large class of Markov processes. See [7, 3] for more recent developments in this vein. To illustrate with three more examples from the literature, Exercise 4.11.10 of Itô -McKean [30] is (6) for X a one-dimensional diffusion and T the first exit time from an interval; Nagylaki [48] gives the more general formula (4) in the same setting; Propositions 8.6 and 8.7 of Iosifescu [29] are (4) for X a Markov chain, tex2html_wrap_inline3048 , and v either the indicator of the set of all transient states, or the indicator of a single transient state.

As noted by Kac [33] in the Brownian setting, summing the moment formula (4) weighted by 1/n! yields the

Feynman-Kac formula [21, 32] For tex2html_wrap_inline3054 ,


where tex2html_wrap_inline3056 is the minimal positive solution f of


Informally, we may write


The meaning of tex2html_wrap_inline3060 has just been precisely defined for tex2html_wrap_inline3054 , but this expression also makes sense for signed v under appropriate conditions.

Note that replacing tex2html_wrap_inline2808 in (7) by tex2html_wrap_inline3068 for tex2html_wrap_inline3070 gives an expression for the tex2html_wrap_inline2992 moment generating function of tex2html_wrap_inline2808 , which may however diverge for all tex2html_wrap_inline3070 . If the m.g.f. does converge for some tex2html_wrap_inline3070 , it of course determines the tex2html_wrap_inline2992 distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline2808 . But even if not, Kac's moment formula still allows evaluation of whatever moments of tex2html_wrap_inline2808 are finite.

Khas'minskii [38] found (4) and (7) for a general X and T the exit time of a domain. He also noted the following immediate consequence of (4) which has found numerous applications in the theory of Schrödinger semigroups [2, 63]. See also [5, 9, 49] for various refinements and further references.

Khas'minskii's condition If tex2html_wrap_inline3090 is bounded then for all x the moment generating function tex2html_wrap_inline3094 converges for tex2html_wrap_inline3096 .

If the infinitesimal generator tex2html_wrap_inline3098 of the semigroup tex2html_wrap_inline2952 is a differential operator (such as tex2html_wrap_inline3102 for Brownian motion), then integral equation (8) can be recast as a differential equation subject to suitable boundary conditions depending on the nature of T. For details in various settings see [14, 34, 64] and Section 13.4 of [16]. Ciesielski-Taylor [12] used (7) to derive the distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline2808 for X a BM in tex2html_wrap_inline3110 for tex2html_wrap_inline3112 , tex2html_wrap_inline3048 and v the indicator function of a solid sphere in tex2html_wrap_inline3110 , in which case tex2html_wrap_inline2808 represents the total time spent by B in the sphere. See also [57] Section III.20 for a different treatment.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Kac's moment formula as stated above is proved in Section 2. Some variations and corollaries are presented in Section 3. In Section 4 we explain how these results relate to the more customary statement of the F-K formula that the semi-group of the process obtained by killing X at rate v(x) has infinitesimal generator tex2html_wrap_inline3128 . In Section 5 the general results are specialized to the context of a Markov chain with finite state space, where the F-K formula can be understood with almost no calculation by direct probabilistic argument. In Section 6 we point out how the F-K formula for occupation times of Markov chains applies to local times of more general Markov processes. Such formulae were the basis of Ray's [55] derivation of the Ray-Knight description of the local time field of a one-dimensional diffusion evaluated at a Markov killing time T, and of calculations by Williams [65, 66] for Markov chains.

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Patrick Fitzsimmons
Wed May 17 08:50:36 PDT 2000