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The Feynman-Kac formula


To recover more standard expressions of the F-K formula, as presented in Section III.19 of Rogers-Williams [57], let tex2html_wrap_inline3554 be the semigroup derived from tex2html_wrap_inline2952 by killing X with state-dependent rate v(x). So if T is the associated Markov killing time then


Summing formula (32) weighted by tex2html_wrap_inline3564 yields an expression for the resolvent of this semigroup:


where tex2html_wrap_inline3566 is the resolvent of the semi-group of X. Some mild regularity on f and v are required to make sense of the second equality in (34), but when rearranged as


the formula holds as an identity of bounded positive kernels for arbitrary tex2html_wrap_inline2892 and non-negative measurable v. This is formula (III.19.5) of [57], which is one of the three forms of the F-K formula presented by Rogers-Williams. As they remark, and as shown by the above argument, (35) is a robust form of the F-K formula which is valid with no hypotheses on the underlying Markov process X beyond jointly-measurable paths.

To interpret the F-K formula as a statement relating the infinitesimal generators of tex2html_wrap_inline2952 and tex2html_wrap_inline3582 , let us recall that the weak infinitesimal generator of tex2html_wrap_inline2952 (say) is the operator tex2html_wrap_inline3098 defined by


on the domain tex2html_wrap_inline3588 comprising those functions f for which the pointwise limit indicated in (36) exists and tex2html_wrap_inline3592 . See [15], where it is shown that for each tex2html_wrap_inline2892 , the resolvent operator tex2html_wrap_inline3596 is an injective mapping of tex2html_wrap_inline3598 (the class of bounded tex2html_wrap_inline2864 -measurable functions) onto tex2html_wrap_inline3588 , and tex2html_wrap_inline3604 . Briefly, tex2html_wrap_inline3606 . Viewed in these terms, (35) amounts to the most common presentation of the F-K formula:


the domain tex2html_wrap_inline3610 consisting of those functions tex2html_wrap_inline3612 for which uv is a bounded function. In the context of symmetric Markov processes, (37) can be reformulated in terms of ``Dirichlet forms''; see Section 6.1 of [24].

A third form of the F-K formula noted in [57] (III.19.7) is the following variant of (35):


which can be understood with almost no calculation due to the following

Probabilistic interpretation of (38). Consider tex2html_wrap_inline3616 , the minimum of T and an independent exponential time with rate tex2html_wrap_inline2900 . From (34), the Green's operator for X killed at time tex2html_wrap_inline3616 is tex2html_wrap_inline3626 . Since killing at time tex2html_wrap_inline3616 is the same as killing with rate function tex2html_wrap_inline3630 , the tex2html_wrap_inline2992 distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline3634 on tex2html_wrap_inline3636 is found by an easy variation of the ``last exit'' formula (31):


Thus (38) comes from integrating with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline2992 the decomposition


for an arbitrary additive functional tex2html_wrap_inline3640 .

Another probabilistic interpretation of (38). Multiplication of both sides of (38) by tex2html_wrap_inline2900 yields an identity of Markov kernels which may be understood in another way. By the companion of (39) with tex2html_wrap_inline3644 instead of tex2html_wrap_inline3646 ,


and by (39) and the memoryless property of tex2html_wrap_inline2890 ,


Adding these two distributions we arrive at tex2html_wrap_inline3666 , which is the tex2html_wrap_inline2992 distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline3670 .

Remarks. For a constant function v, say tex2html_wrap_inline3674 for all x, (38) reduces to the resolvent identity:


So the above arguments give two simple probabilistic interpretations of this identity involving the minimum tex2html_wrap_inline3678 of two independent exponential variables tex2html_wrap_inline2890 and tex2html_wrap_inline3682 and analysis of tex2html_wrap_inline3684 according to whether tex2html_wrap_inline3686 or tex2html_wrap_inline3688 . Since it is obvious that tex2html_wrap_inline3690 , the resolvent identity also yields (35) in this special case. For a general v, comparison of (35) and (38) establishes the identity of kernels


where the first identity was interpreted probabilistically above.

There is also a probabilistic interpretation of the second identity in (44), involving the idea of resurrection of X after the killing time T, as considered in [46, 22]. Note that (44) is the Laplace transformed version of the following identity:


and that if tex2html_wrap_inline2820 is an initial distribution, then


for any measurable tex2html_wrap_inline3552 . The first equality in (45) is evident from evaluation of this expectation by conditioning on tex2html_wrap_inline3702 . The second equality in (45) is obtained by the following construction. Assume for simplicity that v is bounded. Given X, let tex2html_wrap_inline3708 where tex2html_wrap_inline3710 are the points of a Poisson process on tex2html_wrap_inline3712 with intensity tex2html_wrap_inline3714 . The right hand expression in (45) arises from evaluating the expectation (46) by conditioning on tex2html_wrap_inline3716 , where tex2html_wrap_inline3718 Replacing the fixed time t by tex2html_wrap_inline2890 gives a similar interpretation of the second equality in (44). From this perspective, the middle and right hand expressions in (44) and (45) are seen to be typical ``first entrance'' and ``last exit'' decompositions.

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Patrick Fitzsimmons
Wed May 17 08:50:36 PDT 2000