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Application to Markov Chains


Suppose now that X is a Markov chain with finite state space and T is a finite Markov killing time for X. By obvious reductions there is no loss of generality involved in the following

Assumption. The state space of X is tex2html_wrap_inline3732 where E is finite, tex2html_wrap_inline3150 is an absorbing state, tex2html_wrap_inline3738 and tex2html_wrap_inline3740 for all tex2html_wrap_inline2896 .

Let tex2html_wrap_inline3744 denote the substochastic semi-group of X restricted to E, and view tex2html_wrap_inline3744 and all other operators as matrices indexed by E, for example tex2html_wrap_inline3754 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline2828 is just


is the usual Q-matrix of the chain killed at time T. Recall that tex2html_wrap_inline3000 where tex2html_wrap_inline2830 is the operator of multiplication by v. It is clear that there exists b>0 such that for all v with tex2html_wrap_inline3772 the matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3774 is invertible. So


and the F-K formula (7) can be restated as follows: There exists b>0 such that for all v with tex2html_wrap_inline3772


For tex2html_wrap_inline2896 let tex2html_wrap_inline3784 . Since tex2html_wrap_inline3786 , formula (49) determines the joint moment generating function of the tex2html_wrap_inline3788 . The second expression in (49) for this m.g.f. appears as formula (4) in Kingman [39], and again in Puri [54]. Kingman noted as a consequence that the joint m.g.f. is a ratio of two multilinear forms in v(x), tex2html_wrap_inline2896 , and that the marginal distribution of each tex2html_wrap_inline3794 is a mixture of a point mass at zero and an exponential distribution on tex2html_wrap_inline3712 . Kingman raised the problem, which is apparently still open, of characterizing which joint distributions can appear as the joint distributions of such occupation times of a transient finite state chain. For some study of particular examples see [36, 40].

Every killing time of a finite state chain is easily seen to be of the form assumed in Proposition 1 for the killing rate function tex2html_wrap_inline3798 where Q is the Q-matrix of the killed chain. From (31)


so the assumption that tex2html_wrap_inline3804 for all x implies tex2html_wrap_inline3808 . Formula (30) now yields expressions for the tex2html_wrap_inline2992 conditional moments of tex2html_wrap_inline2808 given tex2html_wrap_inline2798 . This leads to the following sharper form of the F-K formula for chains. Formula (52) is a variant of Theorem 2.1 of Dynkin [18]. See also Sections I.27 of [57] and IV.22 of [56] for related presentations.


Proof. Formula (51) results from summing (30) weighted by -1/n!, and using QG = -I. To derive (52) from (51), take tex2html_wrap_inline2820 to be a point mass at x and f to be the indicator of a single point y, and cancel the common factor of k(y). tex2html_wrap_inline3526 Formula (52) for tex2html_wrap_inline3054 can also be understood probabilistically by consideration of tex2html_wrap_inline3874 ; that is, the probability that the chain starting at x ends with left limit y at time T having survived the additional killing at rate v. By conditioning on tex2html_wrap_inline3884 ,



On the other hand, by conditioning on tex2html_wrap_inline2798 the same probability equals


Comparing the two results yields (52). Note the parallel between (52) and the more obvious formula


where tex2html_wrap_inline3894 is the transition function of the chain killed at time T, and tex2html_wrap_inline3898 is the same for tex2html_wrap_inline3884 instead of T, namely the semigroup with Q-matrix tex2html_wrap_inline3906 instead of Q, where tex2html_wrap_inline3910 . Compare with formula 2.6.6 of Itô-McKean [30] in Kac's original Brownian setting. A common generalization of these formulae in an abstract setting could be given using h-processes, but this is left to the reader.

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Patrick Fitzsimmons
Wed May 17 08:50:36 PDT 2000