From: Calum W Spicer Date: Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 11:44 AM Subject: GradSWANTAG VI To: Hey All, As promised here are the titles/abstracts for the speakers on Sunday: Iacopo "Analytic methods for positive line bundles". Abstract: For a line bundle $L$ over a complex projective variety $X$ there are various notions of positivity, as well as several invariants measuring the singularities of the linear system $|L|$. Over the complex numbers, these can be reinterpreted in terms of the curvature form of an Hermitian metric on $L$ and $L^2$ integrability conditions. As it turns out, this approach brings some remarkable advantages when dealing with non big line bundles, allowing one to prove theorems which are out of reach for algebro-geometric methods. Francois "Buildings" Perry "Stable Maps" It looks like a great line up to us- hope to see you there! Cal, Francois, Peter