Speaker: Ronald Fagin, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California fagin@almaden.ibm.com Tutorial Talk 1: Finite-Model Theory - a Personal Perspective Tutorial Talk 2: Easier Ways to Win Logical Games ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Finite-Model Theory - a Personal Perspective Finite-model theory is a study of the logical properties of finite mathematical structures. This talk gives an overview, including: (1) Differences between the model theory of finite structures and infinite structures. Most of the classical theorems of logic fail for finite structures, which gives us a challenge to develop new concepts and tools, appropriate for finite structures. (2) The relationship between finite-model theory and complexity theory. Surprisingly enough, it turns out that in some cases, we can characterize complexity classes (such as NP) in terms of logic, without using any notion of machine, computation, or time. (3) Zero-one laws. There is a remarkable phenomenon, which says that certain properties (such as those expressible in first-order logic) are either almost surely true or almost surely false. (4) Descriptive complexity. Here we consider how complex a formula must be to express a given property. In recent years, there has been a re-awakening of interest in finite-model theory. One goal of this talk is to help "fan the flames" of interest, by introducing the audience to this fascinating area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Easier Ways to Win Logical Games The computational complexity of a problem is the amount of resources, such as time or space, required by a machine that solves the problem. The descriptive complexity of a problem is the complexity of describing the problem in some logical formalism. There is an intimate connection between the descriptive complexity and the computational complexity. This connection was first discovered by the speaker, who showed that the complexity class NP coincides with the class of properties of finite structures expressible in existential second-order logic (where we are allowed to existentially quantify over not just points, as in first-order logic, but also over relations). The equivalence of questions in computational and descriptive complexity holds the promise that techniques from one domain can be brought to bear on questions in the other domain. Essentially the only known technique for proving hardness (that is, inexpressibility) results in descriptive complexity is to make use of games on graphs played between two players. The purpose of this talk is to discuss some results and techniques that assist in the use of these games, and in particular that make the task of proving inexpressibility results easier. Thereby, we can prove new and deeper inexpressibility results. Our hope is that we can develop such a powerful toolkit that we can eventually make a serious assault on such fundamental problems as the question of whether NP = co-NP.