Introduction to Discrete Mathematics

General information


The required textbook for this course is: Essentials of Discrete Mathematics, Second Edition. David J. Hunter. Jones & Bartlett Publishing, 2012.

Students will find the following reference material on reserve in the library: Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Fourth Edition. Susanna Epp. Cengage Learning, 2010.

Grading scheme

Student's cumulative average will be computed by taking the maximum of these two grading schemes:
  1. 20% Homework, 20% Midterm I, 20% Midterm II, 40% Final Exam
  2. 20% Homework, 20% maximum of Midterm I and Midterm II, 60% Final Exam

Letter grades will be assigned from the cumulative average on the following scale:

If the class median on a test is below 75% (which is expected), then the scores are normalized so that the median is 75%. The scores are normalized by adding a fixed number of points to each score. If the median is above 75%, nicely done!



Email policy

Academic integrity

Academic integrity is very important at UCSD. More information can be found at the webpage of the Academic Integrity Office.

Students with disabilities

Requests for accommodations should be made through the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD).