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A Gröbner Basis Theorem on Elimination Ideals

A classic theorem for commutative polynomial rings (Theorem 2 of Chapter 3 Section 1 of [CLS]) says that if G is a Gröbner Basis for an ideal I with respect to certain types of orders (an order of elimination type) and J is a certain type of ideal contained in I (an elimination ideal), then tex2html_wrap_inline6730 is a Gröbner Basis for J. In this section we prove that this theorem generalizes to noncommutative polynomial rings. We shall see that this new theorem can help us solve systems of polynomial equations which are in triangular form and implies that NCProcess (up to the vagaries of stopping in a finite time and choosing the correct type of order) eliminates variables as well as is theoretically possible.

We now define elimination ideals, a notion critical to this section.

Definition 11.1 Let I be an ideal of defin and 1 j n. The j-th elimination ideal defin is the ideal of defin defined by


The NCProcess command generates output which is displayed as a list of V-categories (see §) and the V-categories are defined in such a way that if one of the polynomials in a category is in the elimination ideal, then the entire category is a subset of the elimination ideal.

It is helpful to be able to find a generating set (or even a Gröbner Basis) not only for I but also for the j-th elimination ideals. If one has a Gröbner Basis with respect to certain types of monomial orders, then, if one considers the subset of the Gröbner Basis which lies in the j-th elimination ideal, then this set is itself a Gröbner Basis and generates the j-th elimination ideal. This is the content of Theorem 11.3.

To layout the correspondence of the rest of this section to Chapter 3 of [CLS], note that the definition of an elimination ideal (§1 Definition 1) an elimination order (§1 Exercise 5), an Elimination Theorem (§1 Theorem 2) and an Extension Theorem (§1 Theorem 3) are given in [CLS]. We now give the corresponding definitions, a corresponding Elimination theorem and discuss issues involving extensions in the noncommuative case.

Definition 11.2 [CLS] Let j and n be natural numbers such that 1 j n. A monomial order is of j-th elimination type provided that any monic monomial involving defin or defin is greater than any monic monomial of defin.

In this section, we follow the ordering convention used in [CLS]. With the definition of elimination order given above, tex2html_wrap_inline6774 if tex2html_wrap_inline6776 . For instance, if 1 < j < n, then tex2html_wrap_inline6780 . In the discussions in the rest of the paper, we have always taken tex2html_wrap_inline6782 .

If one considers a multigraded lex order (§ and §) under which


then this multigraded lex order is of jth elimination type. Note that a pure lex order tex2html_wrap_inline6788 is of j-th elimination type for any j such that tex2html_wrap_inline6794 .

The following theorem is the main result of this section and shows that a Gröbner Basis for an ideal I with respect to an j-th elimination order yields a Gröbner Basis with respect to the j-th elimination ideal.

Theorem 11.3 Let R = tex2html_wrap_inline6868 let tex2html_wrap_inline6862 be a term order on the monic monomials of R, let I be an ideal of R and let G be a Gröbner Basis of I with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline6862. If 1 j n and tex2html_wrap_inline6862 is of j-th elimination type, then Gdefin is a Gröbner Basis for Idefin

If a pure lex order is used, if one runs NCProcess until the GBA being used by NCProcess generates a Gröbner Basis and all of the shrinking (see §) parts of the NCProcess commands are turned off, then the categories which this outputs can be used to determine generating sets for the elimination ideals. More precisely, the union of the categories which are subsets of the j-th elimination ideal is a generating set for the j-th elimination ideal.

The comments of the last paragraph hold when a multigraded lex order is used rather than a pure lex order and one only considers j-th elimination ideal only if the order is described by placing a `` tex2html_wrap_inline6136 '' between tex2html_wrap_inline4178 and tex2html_wrap_inline6838 .

We begin by proving the following lemma.

Lemma 11.4 If f is a nonzero polynomial in tex2html_wrap_inline6868, if tex2html_wrap_inline6862 is a monomial order, if tex2html_wrap_inline6862 is of the j-th elimination type and if the leading monomial of f with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline6862 is in defin, then fdefin.

Proof. \ Let lm(f) denote the leading monomial of f with respect to the order tex2html_wrap_inline6862 .

Suppose tex2html_wrap_inline6864 and tex2html_wrap_inline6866 are monic monomials in tex2html_wrap_inline6868 such that tex2html_wrap_inline6870 and tex2html_wrap_inline6872 . Suppose there exists an tex2html_wrap_inline6874 such that tex2html_wrap_inline6876 . Definition 11.2 and the assumption that tex2html_wrap_inline6878 imply that tex2html_wrap_inline6880 . But tex2html_wrap_inline6882 since lm(f) is the leading monomial of f. But then tex2html_wrap_inline6888 which is a contradiction. Therefore, tex2html_wrap_inline6890 for tex2html_wrap_inline6892 . Therefore, tex2html_wrap_inline6894 . This completes the proof of Lemma 11.4.

We now move to the proof of Theorem 11.3.

Proof of Theorem 11.3.

Throughout this proof, for any nonzero polynomial p, lm(p) will denote the leading monomial of p with respect to the order tex2html_wrap_inline6862 .

Let tex2html_wrap_inline6904 be nonzero. Since tex2html_wrap_inline6906 and G is a Gröbner Basis, f has a finite d-representation with respect to G ([FMora]). That is, there exist scalars tex2html_wrap_inline6916 there exists tex2html_wrap_inline6918 , and there exist monic monomials tex2html_wrap_inline6920 such that





We wish to show that tex2html_wrap_inline6922 for tex2html_wrap_inline6924 . Since tex2html_wrap_inline6894 , its leading term lm(f) is in tex2html_wrap_inline6930 . Therefore, (gbdefn:two) implies that tex2html_wrap_inline6932 , tex2html_wrap_inline6934 , tex2html_wrap_inline6936 . An application of Lemma 11.4 yields tex2html_wrap_inline6938 . For tex2html_wrap_inline6924 ,


Now, (11.8) implies that tex2html_wrap_inline6942 , tex2html_wrap_inline6944 , tex2html_wrap_inline6946 . Since tex2html_wrap_inline6862 is of j-th elimination type, an application of Lemma 11.4 yields tex2html_wrap_inline6952 for tex2html_wrap_inline6924 . Thus, f has a d-representation in tex2html_wrap_inline6930 with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline6962 . Since every element of tex2html_wrap_inline6964 has a finite d-representation with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline6962 , an application of Proposition 2.2 of [FMora] proves that tex2html_wrap_inline6962 is a Gröbner Basis. The completes the proof of Theorem 11.3.

Note that we have not analyzed what is called extendibility of solutions in commutative theory ([CLS]). The main theorem involving extendibility of solutions can be viewed as giving sufficient conditions, in the commutative case, as to when backsolving is possible. We now give a brief description of these ideas.

Elimination ideals (and, therefore, Gröbner Basis with respect to term orders of elimination type) can be used to simplify the problem of finding common zeros of sets of polynomial equations. In other words, these elimination ideals can facilitate the process of backsolving. One process of finding a common zero of the set of polynomials in an ideal I involves first finding a common zero of the polynomials in a tex2html_wrap_inline6972 -th elimination ideal for tex2html_wrap_inline6972 close to n. This common zero will only assign values to the variables tex2html_wrap_inline6978 . One then tries to extend this common zero to a common zero of the tex2html_wrap_inline6980 -elimination ideal for tex2html_wrap_inline6982 . Extending the common zero consists of trying to assign values to the variables tex2html_wrap_inline6984 . The procedure repeats until one cannot extend a common zero (in which case one has to backtrack and pick a different common zero in the previous steps if there are any other choices) or until one finds a common zero of the entire ideal.

For the case of common zeros of commutative polynomials whose coefficients are complex numbers, Chapter 3 §1 of [CLS] gives a theorem which guarantees the extendibility of common zeros from one elimination ideal to the next under certain conditions. The authors do not know of any theorem of this type in the noncommutative case. The main reason we have not looked into it ourselves is that in the examples we have run (many besides those presented here), it was obvious that backsolving was possible for any choice of solution at each stage. Possibly more complicated theorems in systems or operator theory will require such a theory. This remains to be seen.

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Wed Jul 3 10:27:42 PDT 1996