The Bart-Gohberg-Kaashoek-Van Dooren Theorem: Step 3

The End Game

The first step of the end game is to run NCProcess2 on the last spreadsheet which was produced in step 2. The aim of this run of NCProcess2 is to shrink the spreadsheet as aggressively as possible without destroying important information. The spreadsheet produced by NCProcess2 is the same as the last spreadsheet which was produced (It is not hard to see that NCProcess2 would not have an effect, since the set of equations found on the previous spreadsheet can be easily seen to be minimal. We include the run here for pedagogical reasons.) in step 2. Note that it is necessary that all of the equations in the spreadsheet have solutions, since they are implied by the original equations. The equations involving only knowns play a key role. In particular, they say precisely that, there must exist a projection P such that
are satisfied.

The converse is also true and can be verified with the assistance of the above spreadsheet. To do this, we assume that the matrices A, B, C and P are given and that the above equations hold, and wish to define m , m , n , n , a, b, c, e, f and g such that each of the equations in the above spreadsheet hold. If we can do this, then each of the equations from the starting polynomial equations (FAC) will hold and we will have shown that a minimal factorization of the [A, B, C, 1] system exists.

  1. Since P = P , it is easy to show that there exists (not necessarily square) matrices m and n such that n m = 1 and m n = P. These are exactly the equations in the {n1,m1}-Category of the above spreadsheet.
  2. Since (1 - P)² = 1 - P , it is easy to show that there exists (not necessarily square) matrices m and n such that n m = 1 and m n = 1 - P. These are exactly the equations in the {n2,m2}-Category of the above spreadsheet.
  3. Since we have defined m , m , n and n , we can define a, b, c, e, f and g by setting
    a = n A m ,
    b = n B,
    c = C m ,
    e = n A m ,
    f = n B
    and g = C m.
    These are exactly the equations in the singleton category.
Here we have used the fact that we are working with matrices and not elements of an abstract algebra. With the assignments made above, every equation in the spreadsheet above holds. Thus, by backsolving through the spreadsheet, we have constructed the factors of the original system [A,B,C,1]. This proves Theorem ([BGKvD]): The system [A, B, C, 1] can be factored if and only if there exists a projection P such that

Note that the known equations can be neatly expressed in terms of P and P = 1 - P. Indeed, it is easy to check with a little algebra that these are equivalent to the answer we were looking for. It is a question of taste, not algebra, as to which form one chooses.

Concluding remarks

The brevity of this presentation in a journal suppresses some of the advantages and some of the difficulties. For example, one might not instantly have all of the insight which leads to the second spreadsheet. In practice, a session in which someone ``discovers'' this theorem might use many spreadsheets. All that matters is that one makes a little bit of progress with each step. Also, since this paper discusses mathematics and does not explain how to use the code, it is not easy to see that there is very little which needs to be typed and that the computer computations are fast.

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