Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Final Defense
Zongze Liu
Adic sheafiness of $\mathbf{A}$${\textrm{inf}}$ Witt vectors over perfectoid rings.
For $(R, R^{+})$ an analytic perfectoid ring in char $p$, let $\mathbf{A}_{\textrm{inf}}(R^{+})$ be the ring of Witt vectors with the induced topology from $(R, R^{+})$. We prove that $\textrm{Spa}(\mathbf{A}_{\textrm{inf}}(R^{+}),\mathbf{A}_{\textrm{inf}}(R^{+}))$ is a sheafy adic space and its structure sheaf is acyclic. We first show $\mathbf{A}_{\textrm{{inf}}}(R^{+})$ is a stably uniform Banach ring. The 'stably uniform implies sheafy' argument is applied to Tate Huber rings in Buzzard-Verberkmoes(2015) and is generalized to analytic Huber rings in Kedlaya(2019). Here we show that the 'stably uniform implies sheafy' argument in Kedlaya(2019) can be applied to general stably uniform Banach rings whose underlying topological ring is a Huber ring. Finally we show the equivalence of categories of vector bundles over $\textrm{Spa}(\mathbf{A}_{\textrm{inf}}(R^{+}),\mathbf{A}_{\textrm{inf}}(R^{+}))$ and finite projective modules over $\mathbf{A}_{\textrm{inf}}(R^{+})$.
Advisor: Kiran S Kedlaya
December 4, 2024
2:45 PM
Research Areas
Number Theory****************************