Research Areas
Algebra Number Theory Combinatorics Arithmetic lattices Homogeneous dynamical systemsContact Info
Email: asalehigolsefidy@ucsd.edu
Ph.D., Mathematics, Yale University, 2006
Ph.D., Mathematics, Yale University, 2006
Alireza Salehi Golsefidy received his Ph.D. in 2006 from Yale University under the direction of Fields Medalist Gregory Margulis. He subsequently spent 3 years as a Veblen research instructor, sharing his time between Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study. In 2009, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at Princeton University. Salehi Golsefidy's main area of research is the theory of discrete subgroups of Lie groups.
Alfred P. Sloan Research FellowshipClay Mathematical Institute Liftoff Award