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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 248: Real Analysis Seminar

Prof. Debraj Chakrabarti

Central Michigan University (

Interpolation of operators and the Bergman projection


Results on the regularity of operators on L^p-spaces are often proved by means of interpolation operators applied to estimates at the endpoints. A classical example is that of the Hibert transform on the real line, the L^p-behavior of which can be deduced from a weak  type (1,1) estimate and the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem. Attempts to apply this idea to the Bergman projection on certain domains such as the Hartogs triangle \{|z|<|w|<1\} in \mathbb{C}^2 lead to some unexpected endpoint behavior. In particular, we show that for the Hartogs triangle, at the left endpoint p=\frac{4}{3} of the interval of L^p-boundedness, the Bergman projection P on this domain is of restricted strong type (\frac{4}{3}, \frac{4}{3}) in the sense of Stein-Weiss, that is, for a characteristic function 1_E of a measurable subset E, we have

\Vert P(1_E) \Vert_{L^p} \leq C \Vert 1_E\Vert_{L^p}

for a constant C independent of E. This now determines the L^p-behavior of the Bergman projection via classical interpolation results. We discuss several generalizations of this result to other domains. This is ongoing joint work with Zhenghui Huo of Duke Kunshan University, China.

Peter Ebenfelt and Ming Xiao

October 29, 2024

4:00 PM

APM 7321
