Math 188 - Algebraic Combinatorics (Spring 2021)

All times below are in Pacific timezone.


Homework is due by 11:59PM on the date listed via Gradescope
Solutions must be clearly presented. Incoherent or unclear solutions will lose points.


We will go by weeks rather than individual lectures. I will break up videos based on logical stopping places rather than set time limits.
Each week corresponds to roughly 5-6 pages of the course notes (how much I cover in an in-person lecture) and 1.5-2 hours of lecture.
(I am adjusting for the fact that in-person lectures use time for questions and for reviewing the previous lecture.)
Unfortunately there are sometimes small mistakes in the videos. I list them in the video description.
I list also some sections of Sagan's book that are useful as supplemental reading.
I don't follow it that closely, so it won't cover the material in the same way as the notes, but it could offer a useful perspective.