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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 208 - Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Roberto Svaldi


Applications of birational geometry to holomorphic foliations, part 2


This will be the continuation to Calum's talk. The plan, building on what Calum explained, is to discuss some recent work building towards the birational classification of holomorphic foliations on projective varieties (particularly 3folds) in the spirit of the Minimal Model program. \\ \\ We will explain some applications of these ideas to the study of the dynamics and geometry of foliations and foliation singularities. \\ \\ Features works of C. Spicer and P. Cascini and joint work with C. Spicer.

Host: James McKernan

January 15, 2021

10:00 AM

Contact David Stapleton,, for zoom access
