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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 209: Number Theory Seminar

Nandagopal Ramachandran

UC San Diego

Euler factors in Drinfeld modules


In this talk, I'll first give a quick introduction to the theory of Drinfeld modules and talk about an equivariant $L$-function associated to Drinfeld modules as defined by Ferrara-Higgins-Green-Popescu in their work on the ETNC. As is usual, these $L$-functions are defined as an infinite product of Euler factors, and the main focus of this talk is a result relating these Euler factors to a certain quotient of Fitting ideals of some algebraically relevant modules. This is joint work with Cristian Popescu.

May 9, 2024

2:00 PM

APM 6402 and online (see
