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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


A. Wong \\ M. Colarusso \\ D. Rogalski

Finding Jobs in Academia


We will have three panelists who have recently found jobs: Aaron Wong, Assistant Professor, tenure track at Nevada State College, Henderson, Nevada, Mark Colarusso, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, and Dan Rogalski, Assistant Professor, UCSD. They will describe their experiences applying for an academic job. Some of the questions they will answer are: How many applications should I send out? How do I prepare for an interview? What should I write in my cover letter and resume? What are important qualifications for a teaching job, postdoc job, tenure track research job? The discussion will be followed by a question and answer period.

Moderator: Jim Lin \\ Graduate Vice Chair

May 15, 2007

3:00 PM

AP&M 6402
