
April 8, 2022

The Society for Undergraduate Mathematics Students (SUMS) will be hosting the Spring 2022 Integration Bee at UCSD! The style of SUMS' Integration Bee will be similar to that of MIT's Integration Bee, where contestants compete to solve integrals as quickly as possible (there is no need to show steps - only the solution counts).

If you would like to participate as a contestant, please fill out the form . We will be using this information to determine the difficulty of the problems.

There will be qualifying exams held throughout Weeks 5-7 of SP22. Depending on the number of contestants, the few top performing students will be selected to take part in the Integration Bee, of which will take place in Week 9 of SP22.

Many of the dates and locations are still in planning, but the academic weeks of when the events will take place are finalized.

If you have any questions before submitting the form, please email us at sums@ucsd.edu.

**This signup form will be open until the end of Week 4 of SP22 (i.e. Sunday 11:59pm of Week 4)**