Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


2024 Murray and Adylin Rosenblatt Endowed Lectures in Applied Mathematics

Prof. Padmini Rangamani
UC San Diego

The mathematics of cellular mechanotransduction


Cellular function often integrates biochemical and mechanical cues in what is known as mechanotransduction. Mechanotransduction is closely tied to cell shape during development, disease, and wound healing. In this talk, I will showcase how mathematical models have helped shed light on some fundamental problems in this area of research including how cell shape can alter biochemical signaling and how cell mechanics can alter cell shape. Throughout, I will highlight the challenges and opportunities for integrating mathematical models with experimental measurements.



Natural Sciences Building Auditorium
Please register here:



Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


2024 Murray and Adylin Rosenblatt Endowed Lectures in Applied Mathematics

Prof. Lisa Fauci
Tulane University

Insights from biofluidmechanics: A tale of tails


The motion of undulating or rotating elastic `tails’ in a fluid environment is a common element in many biological and engineered systems. At the microscale, we will consider models of the journey of extremely long and flexible insect flagella through narrow and tortuous female reproductive tracts, and the penetration of mucosal tissue by helical flagella of bacteria. At the macroscale, we will probe the neuromechanics and fluid dynamics of the lamprey, the most primitive vertebrate and, hence, a model organism. Using a closed-loop model that couples neural signaling, muscle mechanics, fluid dynamics and sensory feedback, we examine the hypothesis that amplified proprioceptive feedback could restore effective locomotion in lampreys with spinal injuries.


Natural Sciences Building Auditorium
Please register here:


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 208: Seminar in Algebraic Geometry

Dr. Gavril Farkas
Humboldt University

The birational geometry of $M_g$ via tropical geometry and non-abelian Brill-Noether theory


I will discuss how novel ideas from non-abelian  Brill-Noether theory coupled with tropical geometry can be used to prove that the moduli space of  genus 16 is uniruled. This is the highest genus for which the moduli space is known not to be of general type. For the much studied question of  determining the Kodaira dimension of $M_g$, this case has long been understood to be crucial in order to make further  progress.  This is joint work with Verra


APM 7321


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 243, Functional Analysis

Prof. Brian Hall
University of Notre Dame

Heat flow on polynomials with connections to random matrices and random polynomials


It is an old result of Polya and Benz the backward heat flow preserves the set of polynomials with all real roots. Recent results have shown a surprising connection between the evolution of real roots under the backward heat flow and the notion of “free convolution” in free probability. Free convolution, in turn, is the operation that allows one to compute the eigenvalue distribution for sums of independent Hermitian matrices in terms of the individual eigenvalue distributions.

The story gets even more interesting when one considers polynomials with complex roots. Recent work of mine with Ho indicates that under the heat flow, the complex roots of high-degree polynomials should evolve in straight lines with constant speed. This behavior also connects to random matrix theory and free probability. I will present some conjectures as well as recent rigorous results with Ho, Jalowy, and Kabluchko.


APM 7218 and Zoom (meeting ID:  94246284235)


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 278A - Center for Computational Mathematics Seminar

Andre Jurgen Massing
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Cut finite element methods for complex multi-physics problems


Many advanced computational problems in engineering and biologyrequire the numerical solution of multidomain, multidimension, multiphysics and multimaterial problems with interfaces. When the interface geometry is highly complex or evolving in time, the generation of conforming meshes may become prohibitively expensive, thereby severely limiting the scope of conventional discretization methods.

In this talk we focus on recent, so-called cut finite element methods (CutFEM) as one possible remedy. The main idea is to design a discretization method which allows for the embedding of purely surface-based geometry representations into structured and easy-to-generate background meshes.

In the first part of the talk, we explain how the CutFEM framework leads to accurate and optimal convergent discretization schemes for a variety of PDEs posed on complex geometries. Furthermore, we demonstrate their effectiveness when discretizing PDEs on evolving domains, including Navier-Stokes equations and fluid-structure interaction problems with large deformations. In the second part of the talk, we show that the CutFEM framework can also be used to discretize surface-bound PDEs as well as mixed-dimensional problems where PDEs are posed on domains of different topological dimensionality.

As a particular example, we consider the so-called Extracellular-Membran-Intracellular (EMI) model which couples an elliptic partial differential equation on the extra/intracellular domains with a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) over the cell membranes to model of electrical activity of explicitly resolved brain cells.


 AP&M 2402 and Zoom ID 982 8500 1195


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 211B - Group Actions Seminar

Sam Freedman
Brown University

Periodic points of Veech surfaces


We will consider the dynamics of automorphisms acting on highly-symmetric flat surfaces called Veech surfaces. Specifically, we'll examine the points of the surface that are periodic, i.e., have a finite orbit under the whole automorphism group. While this set is known to be finite for primitive Veech surfaces, for applications it is desirable to determine the periodic points exactly. In this talk we will classify periodic points for the case of minimal Prym eigenforms, certain primitive Veech surfaces in genera 2, 3, and 4.


Zoom ID 967 4109 3409


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 218: Seminar on Mathematics for Complex Biological Systems

Dr. Lev S. Tsimring
Synthetic Biology Institute, UC San Diego

Statistical theory of asymmetric damage segregation in clonal cell populations


Asymmetric damage segregation (ADS) is ubiquitous among unicellular organisms: After a mother cell divides, its two daughter cells receive sometimes slightly, sometimes strongly different fractions of damaged proteins accumulated in the mother cell. Previous studies demonstrated that ADS provides a selective advantage over symmetrically dividing cells by rejuvenating and perpetuating the population as a whole. In this work we focus on the statistical properties of damage in individual lineages and the overall damage distributions in growing populations for a variety of ADS models with different rules governing damage accumulation, segregation, and the lifetime dependence on damage. We show that for a large class of deterministic ADS rules the trajectories of damage along the lineages are chaotic, and the distributions of damage in cells born at a given time asymptotically becomes fractal. By exploiting the analogy of linear ADS models with the Iterated Function Systems known in chaos theory, we derive the Frobenius–Perron equation for the stationary damage density distribution and analytically compute the damage distribution moments and fractal dimensions. We also investigate nonlinear and stochastic variants of ADS models and show the robustness of the salient features of the damage distributions.


APM 2402


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Postdoc Seminar

Christopher Gartland

Metric Embeddings


We will survey the theory of embeddings between metric spaces. Most attention will be paid to biLipschitz embeddings between particular metric spaces of interest such as Banach spaces, Wasserstein spaces, and finitely generated groups.


APM 5829


Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 295 — Colloquium Seminar

Mikael de la Salle
CNRS, Lyon and IAS

Fourier Analysis with arithmetic groups


I will explain how ideas of classical harmonic analysis about convergence of Fourier series, Hilbert transform and other Fourier multipliers can be extended and applied to the setting of semi-simple Lie groups and their lattices, obtaining interesting applications to operator algebras and representation theory.


APM 6402
