FERPA Training

Per the

UCSD REQUIRES that all faculty, staff, and instructors complete a free online FERPA training course BEFORE new or continued electronic access is granted to student records.  After the initial completion, this course is required to be completed every 3 years.

This includes access to:

NOTE:  If you are a:

  • Current graduate student serving as an Associate-In instructor
  • OR
  • First-time or visiting instructor/lecturer whose name is still waiting to be listed as the Instructor-of-Record in the current Schedule of Classes

Please instead email Math Instructional Support staff at "math-instr-support-g@ucsd.edu" for help with obtaining your class list on your behalf.


How to Complete the FERPA Training Course

  1. Login to "https://uclearning.ucsd.edu/". NOTE: At the Single Sign-On page, you may need to change the "Or sign on with:" option from "Business Systems" to "Active Directory" FIRST before logging in.
  2. In the "Search" field on top, enter in "FERPA".
  3. In the search results list, look for the correct FERPA training course and select it:
    ECourse Title: FERPA - Confidentiality of Student Records and Privacy Rights
    Estimated Duration: 30 Minute(s)
    Code: 06SEDFERPA
  4. Double-check that you've selected the CORRECT FERPA training course as there may be multiple FERPA related courses listed.  You will only receive credit if you complete the correct FERPA training course.
  5. Click the "Start" button.
  6. At the end of the course, a "Certificate of Completion" page will be presented. Click the "Export to PDF" option to create a PDF version of the Certificate of Completion that you can download.
  7. From your official @ucsd.edu email account, email the "Certificate of Completion" PDF file as an attachment to Math Director of Student Services Scott Rollans (srollans@ucsd.edu) as proof of the course completion.


How to Download the Certificate of Completion

To download the "Certificate of Completion" again in the future:

  1. Login to "https://uclearning.ucsd.edu/". NOTE: At the Single Sign-On page, you may need to change the "Or sign on with:" option from "Business Systems" to "Active Directory" FIRST before logging in.
  2. Click on the "Transcript & Certificates" button.
  3. Directly below the "Training Transcript" header in the upper-left top area, change the "Date Range" to "All" to show all completed activities.
  4. In the Activities list below, look for the activity titled "eCourse: FERPA - Confidentiality of Student Records and Privacy Rights".
  5. Click on the small certificate icon to the left of the activity title to display the "Certificate of Completion". Click the "Export to PDF" option to create a PDF version of the Certificate of Completion that you can download.
  6. From your official @ucsd.edu email account, email the "Certificate of Completion" PDF file as an attachment to Math Director of Student Services Scott Rollans (srollans@ucsd.edu) as proof of the course completion.