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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 209: Number Theory Seminar

Kiran Kedlaya

UC San Diego

The affine cone of a Fargues-Fontaine curve


The Fargues-Fontaine curve associated to an algebraically closed nonarchimedean field of characteristic $p$ is a fundamental geometric object in $p$-adic Hodge theory. Via the tilting equivalence it is related to the Galois theory of finite extensions of Q_p; it also occurs in Fargues's program to geometrize the local Langlands correspondence for such fields.

Recently, Peter Dillery and Alex Youcis have proposed using a related object, the "affine cone" over the aforementioned curve, to incorporate some recent insights of Kaletha into Fargues's program. I will summarize what we do and do not yet know, particularly about vector bundles on this and some related spaces (all joint work in progress with Dillery and Youcis).

November 2, 2023

2:00 PM

APM 6402 and Zoom; see
