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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 258 - Differential Geometry Seminar

Riccardo Tione


Anisotropic energies: examples, rectifiability and regularity


Anisotropic energies are functionals defined by integrating over a generalized surface (such as a current or a varifold) an integrand depending on the tangent plane to the surface. In the case of a constant positive integrand, one obtains the area functional, and hence one can see anisotropic energies as a generalization of it. A long standing question in geometric measure theory is to establish regularity properties of critical points to such functionals. In this talk, I will discuss some recent developments on this theory, addressing in particular the question of rectifiability of stationary points and regularity of stationary Lipschitz graphs. \\ \\ The talk is based on joint work with Antonio De Rosa.

Host: Luca Spolaor

January 13, 2021

10:00 AM

Zoom link: Meeting ID: 988 8132 1752
