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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 243, Functional Analysis Seminar

Felix Parraud

KTH Stockholm

Asymptotic expansions in Random Matrix Theory and application: the case of Haar unitary matrices


Recently we developed a general framework to compute asymptotic expansions of certain quantities coming from Random Matrix Theory. More precisely if one considers the expectation of the trace of a sufficiently smooth function evaluated in a random matrix, one can compute a Taylor expansion (in the dimension of our random matrix) of this quantity. This method relies notably on free stochastic calculus whom I will briefly talk about. In a previous work we studied the case of GUE random matrices, in this talk we consider polynomials in independent Haar unitary matrices. I will explain the additional difficulties that this model brings then give a few applications of this result to Random Matrix Theory as well as links with Weingarten calculus.

Hosts: David Jekel and Todd Kemp

May 16, 2023

11:00 AM

APM 6402 and Zoom

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