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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Omni Buss Celebration

Celebrating Sam Buss


In celebration of Samuel Buss's 60th birthday, we are organizing an Omni Buss celebration. As Sam's work has had major impact on many areas of mathematics and computer science, including logic, proof complexity computational complexity, algorithms and graphics, the celebration will feature an eclectic combination of speakers. Program \indent 10:00 AM - Welcome \indent 10:15 AM - Toniann Pitassi (University of Toronto) - Title TBA \indent 11:00 AM - Coffee Break \indent 11:15 AM - Arnold Beckmann (Swansea University) - Bounded Arithmetic a la Sam \indent 11:45 AM - Steve Rotenberg (UC San Diego) - Interactive 3D Modeling of Roads \indent 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM - Lunch Break \indent 2:00 PM - Russell Impagliazzo (UC San Diego) - Title TBA \indent 2:30 PM - Maria Luisa Bonet Carbonell (Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna) - Title TBA \indent 3:00 PM - Jonathan Buss (University of Waterloo) - Some Corners of Computational Complexity \indent 3:30 PM - Coffee Break \indent 3:45 PM - Ryan Williams (MIT) - Sam and I versus P versus NP \indent 4:30 PM - Finale a sorpresa

Sponsors: UCSD CSE and Mathematics Departments

July 14, 2017

10:00 AM

CSE 1202
