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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 288 Probability Seminar

Philip Easo


The critical percolation probability is local


Around 2008, Schramm conjectured that the critical percolation probability $p_c$ of a transitive graph is entirely determined by the local geometry of the graph, subject to the global constraint that $p_c<1$. Previous works had verified the conjecture in various special cases, including nonamenable graphs of high girth (Benjamini, Nachmias and Peres 2012); Cayley graphs of abelian groups (Martineau and Tassion 2013); nonunimodular graphs (Hutchcroft 2017 and 2018); graphs of uniform exponential growth (Hutchcroft 2018); and graphs of (automatically uniform) polynomial growth (Contreras, Martineau and Tassion 2022). In this talk I will describe joint work with Hutchcroft ( in which we resolve this conjecture. 

Host: Tianyi Zheng

March 21, 2024

11:00 AM

Halkin Room APM 6402

Research Areas

Probability Theory
