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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Quantitative-Biology Faculty Candidate Seminar

Hyun Youk

University of California, San Francisco

Deconstructing and Encoding Emergent Behaviors of Cells


Can we describe complex behaviors of living systems, arising from millions of intracellular and intercellular interactions, in simple mathematical models without dizzying number of parameters? For two examples, I combine simple models and experiments to show that this is possible. First, I reduce the complexity of yeast cell's growth from food (glucose) consumption to a phenomenological model with two parameters - Cell's perception of and uptake rate of glucose. Second, I show that a cell tunes how much it "talks" to itself versus to its neighbors by secreting and sensing just one signaling molecule. Encoding who talks to whom, a population of "secrete-and-sense cell" realizes a rich repertoire of complex behaviors.

Host: David Kleinfeld

January 27, 2014

12:00 PM

NSB Auditorium 1205
