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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 208 - Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Noah Arbesfeld

Imperial College London

Donaldson-Thomas theory and the Hilbert scheme of points on a surface


One approach to computing integrals over Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces (and other moduli spaces of sheaves on surfaces) is to reduce to the special case when the surface in question is $C^2$. \\ \\ I'll explain how to use the (K-theoretic) Donaldson-Thomas theory of threefolds to deduce identities for holomorphic Euler characteristics of tautological bundles over the Hilbert scheme of points on $C^2$. I'll also explain how these identities control the behavior of such Euler characteristics over Hilbert schemes of points on general surfaces.

Host: Dragos Oprea

October 30, 2020

11:00 AM

Email David Stapleton: for zoom access
