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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 269 - Combinatorics

Craig Timmons

Cal State Sacramento

Error-Correcting Codes from Finite Geometries


Error-correcting codes are often used when data is transmitted over a channel in which noise can occur, thereby damaging some of the data. There are several types of error-correcting codes. In this talk, we will discuss an errorcorrecting code that is defined in terms of a particular finite geometry. This finite geometry comes from the incidence matrix of the so-called Wenger graphs. These graphs are well-known to those working in extremal graph theory. The talk will begin with a brief introduction to error-correcting codes, followed by linear codes. We will then define the finite geometry, and discuss some progress on an open problem of Cioab\u{a}, Lazebnik, and Li.

Jacques Verstraete

October 10, 2017

2:00 PM

AP&M 7321
