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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 196 - Student Colloquium

Helena Chen, Patrick Dejesus, Chenzhi Li, Fengpei Li, Wenjing Yin


Exploring the Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon


We will continue our talk about the Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon involving the relationship between q-rational catalan number and the set of non crossing partitions. By utilizing the injective mapping between rational deck paths and non-crossing partitions, we have constructed small cases of how to observe that the set $(NC(a,b),Z_{b-1},Cat_q(a,b))$ exhibits the Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon. We will also demonstrate a few of our MATLAB programs that helped aid us in the progress of trying to prove the Cyclic Sieving Phenomenon.

Host: Alvaro Pelayo

December 2, 2014

11:00 AM

AP&M B402A
