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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Analysis Seminar Talk

Prof. Nordine Mir

Texas A&M University at Qatar

Finite jet determination of CR maps into real-algebraic sets


We present recent results about finite jet determination of CR maps of positive codimension from real-analytic CR manifolds into real-algebraic subsets in complex space, or more generally Nash subsets. One instance of such results is the unique jet determination of germs of CR maps from minimal real-analytic CR submanifolds in $\C^N$ into Nash subsets in $\C^{N'}$ of D'Angelo finite type, for arbitrary $N,N'\geq 2$. This is joint work with B. Lamel.

Hosts: Peter Ebenfelt and Ming Xiao

December 6, 2022

3:00 PM

APM 5402
