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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


SEEE Seminar

STEM Education, Economics, and Equity


Hands-On Math and Science: What, Why, and How?


Join us in several interactive, hands-on stations ranging from preschool through high school level, formal and informal math and science education. Then take part in a discussion surrounding the implementation of hands-on learning in various environments and grade levels. Presenters include: Ricardo Nemirovsky, SDSU Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE); Molly Kelton, Doctoral Student SDSU/UCSD Mathematics and Science Education (MSED); Nan Renner, SD Natural History Museum; Sandy Silverman, SD County Office of Education, and more! (See the flyer for details and to register.)

April 24, 2012

4:30 PM

SDG&E's Energy Innovation Cent
