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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego



Peter Schneider

University of Munster (MSRI)

Hecke algebras in their natural characteristic are Gorenstein


In the local Langlands program the (smooth) representation theory of p-adic reductive groups G in characteristic zero plays a key role. For any compact open subgroup K of G there is a so called Hecke algebra $H(G,K)$. The representation theory of G is equivalent to the module theories over all these algebras $H(G,K)$. Very important examples of such subgroups K are the Iwahori subgroup I and the pro-p Iwahori subgroup $I_p$. By a theorem of Bernstein the Hecke algebras of these subgroups (and many others) have finite global dimension. In recent years the same representation theory of G but over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p has become more and more important. But little is known yet. Again one can define analogous Hecke algebras. Their relation to the representation theory of G is still very mysterious. Moreover they are no longer of finite global dimension. In joint work with R. Ollivier we prove that the characteristic p version of $H(G,I_p)$ is Gorenstein.

Hosts: Cristian Popescu and Claus Sorensen

September 11, 2014

4:00 PM

AP&M 6402
