Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Math 295 - Mathematics Colloquium
Dihua Jiang
University of Minnesota
On the Langlands functoriality for classical groups
The Langlands functoriality conjecture is one of the basic problems in the theory of automorphic forms and representations. In the past four decades, there was essentially no progress made until a few years ago when the Langlands functoriality was established for generic cuspidal automorphic representations from classical groups to general linear groups in a series of papers by Cogdell$-$Kim$-$Piatetski$-$Shapiro$-$Shahidi, Ginzburg$-$Rallis$-$Soudry, and Jiang-Soudry. Many important applications were found afterwards. The problem of establishing the theory for general cuspidal automorphic representations remains a big open problem. In this talk, I will report on some recent progress on this problem, based on my work and my work with Soudry
Host: Wee Teck Gan
November 16, 2006
3:00 PM
AP&M 6402