Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Special Recruitment Colloquium
Dr. Misha Alekhnovitch
IAS Princeton
Learnability and Automatizability
We consider the complexity of properly learning concept classes, i.e. when the learner must output a hypothesis of the same form as the unknown concept. We present the following new upper and lower bounds on well-known concept classes: \vskip .1in $\bullet$ \hangindent=29pt We show that unless $NP = RP$, there is no polynomial-time learning algorithm for DNF formulae where the hypothesis is an OR-of-thresholds. Note that as special cases, we show that neither DNF nor OR-of-thresholds are properly learnable unless $NP = RP$. $\bullet$ \hangindent=29pt Assuming that $NP \not \subseteq DTIME(2^{n^\epsilon})$ for a certain constant $\epsilon <1$ we show that it is not possible to learn size $s$ decision trees by size $s^{k}$ decision trees for any $k \geq 0$. Previous hardness results for learning decision trees held for $k \leq 2$. $\bullet$ \hangindent=29pt We present the first non-trivial upper bounds on properly learning DNF formulae and decision trees. In particular we show how to learn size $s$ DNF by DNF in time $2^{\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n \log s})}$, and how to learn size $s$ decision trees by decision trees in time $n^{O(\log s)}$.
Host: Sam Buss
January 24, 2005
3:00 PM
AP&M 7321