Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Quantum Information and Computation
Gilad Gour
University of Calgary
Local additivity of the minimum entropy output of a quantum channel
An important open problem in quantum information concerns with the question whether entanglement between signal states can help in sending classical information over a quantum channel. Recently, Hastings proved that entanglement does help by finding a counter example for the long standing additivity conjecture that the minimum entropy output of a quantum channel is additive under taking tensor products. In this talk I will show that the minimum entropy output of a quantum channel is locally additive. Hastings' counter example for the global additivity conjecture makes this result somewhat surprising. In particular, it indicates that the non-additivity of the minimum entropy output is related to a global effect of quantum channels. I will end with a few related open problems.
Host: David Meyer
November 20, 2012
10:30 AM
AP&M 7321