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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Food for Thought Seminar

Allen Knutson


Moduli spaces and quotients by groups


Many mathematical objects come in continuous families, prompting the desire to define a ``universal family'' that contains each such object exactly once up to isomorphism. When this isn't possible (because the family would be too bad to be worthwhile -- I'll talk about this behavior), we can try to come close, by including only ``stable'' objects. Frequently the universal family is constructed by starting with a bigger family that includes each object many times, then dividing by a group action that implements the isomorphisms. There are two ways to do this, one algebro-geometric (complex) and one symplecto-geometric (real), and I'll give some idea of why they agree. The main example will be the space of $N$ ordered points on the Riemann sphere, modulo M\"obius transformations. These are unstable if

February 8, 2007

12:00 PM

AP&M 7321
