Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego
Math 295 - Mathematics Colloquium
Zhiwei Yun
Motives and the inverse Galois problem
We will use geometric Langlands theory to solve two problems concerning number fields. One is Serre's question of whether there exist motives over $\Bbb Q$ with motivic Galois group of type $E_8$ or $G_2$; the other is the concrete question of whether there are Galois extensions of $\Bbb Q$ with Galois group $E_8(p)$ or $G_2(p)$ (the finite simple groups of Lie type), for sufficiently large primes $p$. The answer to both questions is ``YES". Please note the change of day for this week's colloquium.
Host: Cristian Popescu
January 23, 2012
3:00 PM
AP&M 6402