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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Quantum Computation Seminar

Jason Morton

Pennsylvania State University

Pfaffian circuits


\indent Pfaffian circuits are a new, geometrically motivated, and simplified construction of Valiant's holographic algorithms. These algorithms exploit dual Spinor varieties to simulate certain quantum computations (fermionic linear optics) classically, and provide a means to probe the conjectured classical-quantum boundary. Combinatorial problems addressed include planar NAE-SAT, lattice path problems and evaluation of certain Tutte polynomials. Basis change is one route to superposition-like effects, and some of the geometric considerations in analyzing Pfaffian circuits under arbitrary basis change will be discussed. Connections are made to the sum-product algorithm, SLOCC equivalent entangled states, and monoidal categories.

Host: David Meyer

May 10, 2011

2:00 PM

AP&M 6402
