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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 209 - Number Theory

Cristian D. Popescu


At play in the land of special values of L-functions, part II


I will discuss a far reaching conjectural link between special values of global and p-adic L-functions which unifies and refines some classical conjectures of Stark, Gross, and Rubin. I will report on progress in establishing this link emerging from my joint work with Greither in equivariant Iwasawa theory and relate that to recent results in this area due to Dasgupta and his collaborators. Note: This is the second (more technical) lecture of a two lecture series. The first (introductory) lecture will be given in the RTG Colloquium on April 5.

April 6, 2017

2:00 PM

AP&M 7321
