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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 248 - Real Analysis Seminar

Tau Shean Lim

UW - Madison

Propagation of Reactions in Levy Diffusions


We study reaction-diffusion equations $u_t = L u + f(u)$ with homogeneous reactions f and diffusion operators L arising from the theory of Levy processes, with emphasis on propagation phenomena. The classical diffusion case (L = Laplacian) has been well-studied, including questions about traveling fronts, wavefront propagation, existence of spreading speeds, etc. After a brief review of the one-dimensional theory, we will concentrate on the case of nonlocal diffusions in several dimensions. We will discuss questions concerning long time dynamics of solutions, including spreading vs. quenching and existence of spreading speeds.

Host: Andrej Zlatos

April 25, 2017

10:00 AM

AP&M 7321
