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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Final Defense

Jeremy Schmitt


Properties of Hamiltonian Variational Integrators


Variational integrators preserve geometric and topological structure when applied to Hamiltonian systems. Most of the research into variational integrators has focused upon their derivation by discretizing Hamilton's principle as a type I generating function of the symplectic map. In this talk we examine the derivation of variational integrators from a type II generating function. Even when the maps resulting from different generating functions are analytically equivalent there can be important numerical differences. We introduce a new class of variational integrators based on the Taylor method and an augmented shooting method. The role of automatic differentiation for an efficient implementation is discussed. Finally, a new framework for adaptive variational integrators is presented, which is dependent upon Hamiltonian variational integrators.

Advisor: Melvin Leok

May 30, 2017

9:00 AM

AP&M 2402
