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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Special Colloquium

Dr. Shavila Devi

University of Illinois Chicago

Responsive Pedagogy in Collegiate Mathematics Contexts


In K-12 school contexts, responsive math pedagogy typically refers to instruction where the teacher continuously elicits information about what students currently know and understand and responds in ways that move them forward in relation to developmental and grade-level mathematical goals. It is claimed that recognizing what students know and are able to do and leveraging that to move towards higher level reasoning and problem solving ensures equity and access to mathematics for all students. Inspired by this approach, I discuss my teaching, research, and leadership efforts aimed at fostering a form of responsive pedagogy in collegiate math contexts. I discuss how these efforts can be relevant to mathematics teaching and learning at UCSD, especially in relation to increasing the retention and persistence of students from historically underrepresented backgrounds. 

Host: Lei Ni

April 17, 2023

4:00 PM

APM 6402
