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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 243 - Functional Analysis Seminar

Daniel Hoff


Rigid Components of s-Malleable Deformations


In the theory of von Neumann algebras, fundamental unsolved problems going back to the 1930s have seen remarkable progress in the last two decades due to Sorin Popa's breakthrough deformation/rigidity theory. Popa's discovery hinges on the fact that, just as stirring a soup allows one to locate its most rigid (and desirable) hidden components, 'deformability' of an algebra $M$ allows one to precisely locate 'rigid' subalgebras known to exist only via a supposed isomorphism $M \cong N$. This talk will focus on joint work with Rolando de Santiago, Ben Hayes, and Thomas Sinclair, which shows that any diffuse subalgebra which is rigid with respect to a mixing $s$-malleable deformation is in fact contained in subalgebra which is uniquely maximal with respect to that rigidity. In particular, an algebra generated by a family of rigid subalgebras which intersect diffusely must itself be rigid with respect to that deformation. The case where this family has two members answers a question of Jesse Peterson asked at the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM), but the result is most striking when the family is infinite.

Host: Adrian Ioana

December 4, 2018

10:00 AM

AP&M 6402
