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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 292 - Topology Seminar

Nick Georgakopoulos

University of Chicago

The RO(G) graded cohomology of G-equivariant classifying spaces


The cohomology of classifying spaces is an important classical topic in algebraic topology. However, much less is known in the equivariant setting, where one wants to know the RO(G)-graded cohomology of classifying G-spaces. The problem is that RO(G)-graded cohomology is notoriously difficult to compute even when G is cyclic.In this talk, I will explain my computations in the case of cyclic 2-groups G while keeping technical details to a minimum. The main goal is to understand rational equivariant characteristic classes, but I will also discuss some mod 2 computations and their relevance to the equivariant dual Steenrod algebra.

Host: Eva Belmont

September 28, 2021

10:30 AM (password: topology)
