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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Math 288 - Probability & Statistics

Chris Gartland

UC San Diego

Stochastic Embeddings of Hyperbolic Metric Spaces


This talk is based on ongoing work of the speaker. We will discuss the stochastic embeddability of snowflakes of finite Nagata-dimensional spaces into ultrametric spaces and the induced stochastic embeddings of their hyperbolic fillings into trees. Several results follow as applications, for example:
(1) For any uniformly concave gauge $\omega$, the Wasserstein 1-metric over $([0,1]^n,\omega(\|\cdot\|))$ biLipschitzly embeds into $\ell^1$.
(2) The Wasserstein 1-metric over any finitely generated Gromov hyperbolic group biLipschitzly embeds into $\ell^1$.

October 5, 2023

11:00 AM

APM 6402

Research Areas

Probability Theory
