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Department of Mathematics,
University of California San Diego


Joint UCI-UCR-UCSD Southern California Differential Geometry Seminar

Jonathan Luk

Stanford University

Strong cosmic censorship in spherical symmetry for two-ended asymptotically flat data


I will present a recent work (joint with Sung-Jin Oh) on the strong cosmic censorship conjecture for the Einstein-Maxwell-(real)-scalar-field system in spherical symmetry for two-ended asymptotically flat data. For this model, it was previously proved (by M. Dafermos and I. Rodnianski) that a certain formulation of the strong cosmic censorship conjecture is false, namely, the maximal globally hyperbolic development of a data set in this class is extendible as a Lorentzian manifold with a C0 metric. Our main result is that, nevertheless, a weaker formulation of the conjecture is true for this model, i.e., for a generic (possibly large) data set in this class, the maximal globally hyperbolic development is inextendible as a Lorentzian manifold with a C2 metric.

April 21, 2017

4:00 PM

UC Riverside, Surge Bldg 284
